View Full Version : Techniques for helping anxiety dizziness

07-10-2012, 01:40 AM

I just read this and thought I'd make it a new thread:

During anx. attacks we tend to take shorter breaths, this leads to an inbalance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in our blood - which in turn can lead to a little dizziness.
(Ever got up from a sitting position too quickly and felt a little woozy? I know I have!)

Dizziness, light-headedness and fainting are very common symptoms of anxiety. Try the following:

1/ You should try doing what ballet dancers do while spinning on one leg: keep your eyes open and focus on a spot that’s at least 10 feet in front of you. This little trick can be extremely effective in averting dizziness.

2/ First of all, try eating at least six times per day with equal time intervals between each meal. This will prevent your blood sugar from dropping too low and since the first symptom of low blood sugar level is dizziness, you will be well off preventing future dizzy moments.

3/ Also, you should try removing any kind of refined sugar and stimulants from your diet. Consume more apples, nuts, porridge and pears. Drinking 4-6 glasses of water is also necessary to slash your anxiety symptoms to a minimum.

4/ Adding Vitamin B6 to your daily ration also helps in preventing dizziness since it is very good for your nervous system, which is responsible for supporting your balance.

As soon as you start feeling dizzy, start breathing from your diaphragm (learn this kind of breathing especially if you tend to hyperventilate).
