View Full Version : New here

07-09-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi! I've been going through a lot physically in the past month! Lightheaded, nausea, ibs, headache, heart palps, just an overall feeling of being sick. I've taken myself to the er a few times and nothing. Had blood work done, MRI of brain, nuclear stress test,
all normal. This has taken over my life and all anyone tells me is anxiety. I am now taking metoprolol for heart palps and Klonopin before bed. I have three kids, afraid to be home alone with them or go places with them for fear of something happening to me! I am a teacher and on summer break and just want to enjoy it. My PCP suggested a psychiatrist. I went through this about 8 years ago, was put on Lexapro, then got pregnant so went off it. Oh, and my periods have been very irregular somI had a pelvic ultrasound. Found uterin lining to be thick and had a biopsy but inconclusive. Now have to have a D&C. I am 43. Harmones? Any thoughts?