View Full Version : Anxiety or Paranoia or both?

07-09-2012, 11:06 AM
Hi everyone, I've got a question and thought I'd sign up since the last 3 or 4 days I've had terrible anxiety. I had a fall when I was a toddler and as a result I got a large bump on one side of my forehead. I've always known it was there but never thought it was that noticeable until a a few months ago. I was wasted in a bar with my friends and I banged my head (in the same place) on the corner of the bar and for a few days it felt huge. After that it seemed I had my old head back, but it feels like people of staring at me on the street and I don't know whether it's just casual glances or everyone thinks I'm some kind of freak. I've never asked family or friends how noticeable it is as I don't think they'd be completely honest with me, and I'm also terrified that if they are honest and I look as bad as I think. It's gotten to the stage now where if I think about it for just a second, it's all consuming - I've not been able to think about anything else for days - I feel nauseous and it's almost as if I can feel my head, not touch it with my hand, I mean it just feels like it's there.

Anyone else in a similar situation in regards to how they feel about themselves? I'm going to my doctor tomorrow to ask her about it, so hopefully I'll get a straight answer

07-09-2012, 04:51 PM
Sounds like maybe an anxious obsession or obsessing. Which is not uncommon with anxiety. Alankay