View Full Version : Mood swings & frustration

07-09-2012, 10:15 AM
I have had a bad day today , I'm struggling with loosing my temper & getting very angry & frustrated :-( :-(

I feel fit to burst , I hate being like this , it's horrible !!

Does anyone else have this problem ? It's getting me down :-(

07-09-2012, 11:06 AM
Hi Jessy :)

I know how you feel, yesterday I was like that. Very high or very low but when I'm low I generally snap at my fiancé. I was super irritable and I hate feeling like the only way out is to literally scream.

Has something upset you? :(

07-09-2012, 11:30 AM
Hi Amy , nothing has upset me , I just feel extreamly irritable & frustrated & am
Snapping at my husband & kids .

I then feel awfull afterwards :-(

It's crap as I have been feeling quite well in every other way . :-(

07-09-2012, 11:32 AM
It's normal , I thinks its because of the fustration of feeling how we feel, I finally told my best mate what was wrong and he didn't understand and although he didn't say it I felt he wanted to say to me "snap out of it , it's not that bad " he was just ignorant to the whole anxiety situation.
I nearly lost my temper big time and wanted to hit him.. He's been like a brother to me for 15 years.. He's read up anxiety and has been so helpful ever since.. Dont worry it's natural. x

07-09-2012, 11:34 AM
Natural to us anxious folks i mean. Lol