View Full Version : help in a situation

07-09-2012, 08:33 AM
Hello. So im 18 years old. From Cincinnati. I have anxiety. Well thats what I was told an im not here to talk about that at the moment. My problem right now is that some how some.time a hole got in my wall. And of course someone tried hiding it will a picture and my grama found it. The only people who live Herr is my twin sister an nanny with me. well of caorse me and mu boyfriemd are blamed for the hole. And not my sister because she blamed it on him first. I keep having awkeard moments between me and him an my grandma whem she say he did it. And nowy great uncle buddy is fixing that hole. He keep sayin my boyfriend did it and imagone what he could do to my face and if he find out he did he will run him off. And that he the only one who could do it. ( since my sisters boyfriend only 5 feet tall lol ) but my bf not the only one who could have considering me and my sis is 5'7 and biult like athlete s. And considering my sistet has put numerous amounts of holes in walls and in doors. And now she has been talking shit to nanny making me and him sound like horrible people. Even though I have a job am finnily getting my license and a car and trying to go down the right road while my sister sits in her bf apartment all day while he at Work and wont get a job or even atleaat her temporary license. And saying my bf can be made mad easily and shit. But you cant even wake hers up without worring about him going all ape on you. Yet my boyfriend is being blamed. Ive been trying to keep my mouth quiet but im getting anxiety Doing it. how should I go about this situation

07-09-2012, 10:28 PM
Sounds like your in a bad situation, There's probably nothing worse than getting blamed for something you didn't do. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Your uncle is more than likely just going by what he's been told by the others and is concerned for your safety, in a way that's a good thing, at least you know he cares about you. When you and your grandma are alone without the others around, sit down and have a talk with her and express your feelings about getting blamed for the hole in her wall when you didn't do it. Chances are you grandma is old school and a lot wiser than you think. She will be able to tell your sincere about addressing the situation "damage to her property" and start focusing her attention on the real culprit.

Hope this helps.