View Full Version : Bad anxiety, or something else?

07-09-2012, 02:02 AM
I was hospitalized last night with severe head pain. It was the worst headache of my life, and I'm a migraine sufferer. It felt like someone was stabbing a hot piece of metal into the right side of my head. It went away about 20 minutes after I was admitted so my parents set up a nuerology apointment and took me home so I could sleep. My neck was a little stiff after the headache. The pain was perceeded by a slight headache. I was having a bad day, but not a bad anxiety day. My mom got these sort of pains as well. I've had one prior to this 11 days ago. Is this just anxiety, or something else.

07-09-2012, 02:33 AM
Hi there
Hope your feeling a little better now- its more than likely anxiety- my headaches get terrible now.i think when you have anxiety everything seems to get worse cos your body's more sensitive
Take care xx

07-09-2012, 06:54 AM
My head feels fine, but my neck is still stiff. I'm not very shaken up like I feel at a post-panic or anxious day. some explination on what happened would be great.

07-09-2012, 12:18 PM
My head feels fine, but my neck is still stiff. I'm not very shaken up like I feel at a post-panic or anxious day. some explination on what happened would be great.

Have you been drinking alot of caffeine and recently just stopped? Or it could be stress, dehydration, etc..

07-09-2012, 03:51 PM
I don't drink caffeine. I wasn't stressed out, we were on our way back home from a vacation. I had probably a gallon of water to drink that day. I have a nuerology appointment Thursday.