View Full Version : Facing up to my dad... stupid idea or not?

07-09-2012, 01:00 AM
I stopped talking to my dad about 6-7 months ago.
This is how he took the news:
When he found out he got my step mum to message me on facebook and tell me they loved me and then he removed me from his facebook page.
Such an imature and pathetic thing do rather then actually talking to his daughter like a rational human being. '
Since then I keep feeling like i want to tell him that I love him but Im sick of him being a jerk. I want him to know why i dont speak to him anymore and I want him to be rational about it and actually listen to me. He drinks, he hates my christianity (he purposely got drunk the last time I saw him so he wouldnt have to assciociate with me... ) and he just plain annoys me. But here's the thing... he is the reason I have stress and anxitey disorder, hes the reason i have retarded habits that get me bullied and ridiculed and for some reason I just dont want him to get away with that....I want to tell him face to face but im scared he'll try and hurt me or attack my family... it wouldnt be the first time hes shown up drunk and tried to hit my mum.... :s
I would write a letter or an email but I know he wont pay attention to that....
I am so worried that my stress and anxiety is going to hang around as long as he lives his life not giving a crap about me... or what he's caused me.

Key question is: How do you get a drunken lunatic with no sence of pride or dignity to pay attention to what you have to say without the need for legal/police intervention.... Cause i swear if he even tries to harm me the cops will be rung and I will not hesitate to defend myself with a blade....

Please help.... what should I do?

07-10-2012, 08:31 AM
I think thats down to you- don't think anyone will be able to help you with the do I don't I -but how will you feel if he's not understanding; which I think after what I read you already know your dad will be like that- but I understand your unrest at not trying to tell him whats what- why not right him a letter sometimes that goes further cos they go back and read it over and over again- not best solution but might make you feel abit better xx