View Full Version : At the end of my teather :(

07-08-2012, 10:36 PM

I realise i literally posted an hour or so ago about something entirely different but i have to vent my anxiety, or one of the many reasons i seem to be in relapse. I am really hoping someone here can advise me on this:

My sister, shes 22 and has severe mental illness, shes not on medication or seeking therapy and the mere suggestion is too much for her right now, i am going to list her symptoms:

Low self-esteem
severe ocd (in relation to waste, personal care and organisation)
severe social anxiety
severe anger issues
Dependent on those around her, she can do nothing independently
child-like maturity
money obsession (security and tight spending habits)
never worked through fear
fear of intimacy
very shy around strangers
unhealthy relationship with parents, harbours major anger towards her brother
dislike of others peoples happiness
change moods very abrubtly

Think thats it, her family is desperately worried about her, as am i and we just dont know what to do, she doesnt admit to there ever being a problem, me posting this would be enough for her to blow up and probably cut me out her life but she needs help!!!!

07-08-2012, 10:43 PM
Hello Amy I was wondering did your sister ever try to get professional help at all before ? Im far far far from being an expert but maybe professional help would benefit her ?

07-08-2012, 10:46 PM
shes seen a few counsellors but none she liked enough to stick with, she was getting alot better but shes relapsed badly, she was on meds but this was discontinued due to health risk and never got a replacement but then she was well enough to not need it so it wasnt a worry. i think counselling would do her the world of good but you cant tell her that, she doesnt admit there is anything wrong.

07-08-2012, 10:51 PM
I know it sounds very American ( I'm Irish ) but maybe the best thing to do is have an intervention with all your family sit down and explain to her that you al love her but she needs some help and that you will support her in getting that help

07-09-2012, 11:02 PM
Hi Amy,

Unfortunately until someone admits they have a problem its almost impossible for them to get over it. Simply because they don't believe it in the first place or they're in denial. That's true even for us with anxiety. Until we realized we had anxiety or what it was that made us feel the way we did, we couldn't get the help we needed or even help ourselves because we didn't truely understand what was happening. Once we understood then we are able to progress in a postive way to get help and start on the path to feeling better or at least have access to tools "knowledge" to fight off what was dragging us down in the first place. I wish you luck, sounds like you really love and care about your sister. Hopefully when you approach her with suggestions she knows your doing it because you truely care.

07-10-2012, 05:54 AM
Amy, I agree with "feeling", if the family is large and united enough she might be convinced via a sit down in a group......... if she'll sit through that.
If find it unusual that she doesn't agree she is in distress and seek help. Most anxious folk realize they very anxious and need help. Did the meds she was on help? If so there should be an alternative to get her back on meds. Might need to find the right doc but she needs to be willing to get help.
Because of the mention of severe anger/moods it should be ruled out that she might be bipolar(manic-depressive) with anxiety. That would change things as far as treatment approach and results. Also could explain her reluctance to get help as bipolars(my Dad was one) think they have ALL the answers in the manic phase anyway. PM me any time at all. Alankay