View Full Version : Hypochondria back in full force after 2 years

07-08-2012, 10:29 PM
Howdy. I am on the forums today because as of late I have been freaking out. I first had my anxiety when I was 16 I am 22 now. And for the past two years I havent been worrysome at all.... But all of a sudden I am having panic and anxiety symptoms. I even caved and went into the doctors because my left side has been feeling "funky" no pain no tingles just..... Idk. Hard to explain you all know this...... But the doc ruled out a blood clot and a stroke. And pretty much pinned it to my anxiety (she was surprised I was in for something anxiety related, because I haven't been since I was a teen) But since she said any pain? And I was like nope.... Now I freak out over every little pain or sensation in my leg. I just think Ohh snap a blood clot. I almost wanna stop taking pill because of the risks.... Ughh I wish I could snap outta it again. This week has been anxiety ridden!!!! (mostly because it gets terrible when I'm taking my placebo pills and my peroid comes) any whoo. F.ck this huh? I would Amost trade my anxiety disorder for a real deisease. I hate living my life this way

07-08-2012, 10:45 PM
Hello Laura I understand your feelings as I too get phantom pains and think I'm dying all that I can say is Maybe try to take some natural relaxants and see if they help.saint johns wart is very good I hear