View Full Version : Public Speaking SUCKS

02-11-2007, 06:01 PM
Hey I was just wondering if anyone else had a rediculous anxiety problem when it came to public speaking and if there were any quick methods to numb the anxiety. I just really cant stand getting up in front of a huge crowd and talking, not so hard on here. I think it would be helpful if everyone posted their methods of getting over speaking in front of large groups ( other than picturing everyone naked tried that just created another problem, just kiddin).

02-11-2007, 09:16 PM
I wish I could help. I know that for most people, that's one of their biggest fears. I have some sort of bizarro backwards, anxiety, though. Public speaking doesn't bother me. I would rather be in front of a large crowd giving a speech or singing on stage (I go into another zone where my anxiety doesn't touch me) than making small-talk one-on-one at a cocktail party.

My sister has problems with public speaking, though. She enrolled in public speaking classes at her work. It helped her knowing that everyone else in the class was afraid too. It reminded her that's there nothing embarrassing about being afraid in that situation -- because most people are afraid. Maybe you could find a group like that. Working with a small group of people, getting to know them and trust them and working on your skills with them might help you build your confidence. She has enrolled in a number of those classes over the years and while she still doesn't enjoy public speaking or making presentations at her job, it has gotten easier for her. I hope you can find a supportive group to work with. Best of luck!

02-12-2007, 02:39 AM
Speaking in front of groups is a very common anxiety issue. It is one of the major phobias suffered throughout society even by people not suffering with anxiety. I wish I had some answers for you but my brain is on go slow today, as I am feeling quite nauseous. :(


02-14-2007, 03:34 PM
Here's a good, to-the-point article about anxiety and public speaking:
Go to the Hallowell Center website - type in "What is Anxiety in Public Speaking?" in the search box - the first result is a great resource.

From my personal experience, I find practice is key to overcome this problem. Practicing over and over makes me more relaxed when the time comes to speak in front of a group.

Kia Kaha
07-14-2010, 01:45 AM
I've built a whole website about how to get past the fear of public speaking.
I'm sure you'll find lots of helpful info there. The link is under my signature.

The main thing is to realize you don't need any fancy tricks like imagining the audience in their underwear, :oops: That's lame and doesn't help long term.

You need to do 3 things. Understand what's going on, Practice in a way that doesn't freak you out and finally you need to find a way to Love speaking in public.

You might think the last one is unnecessary or maybe too hard. It isn't. It's the real key to the whole thing.

Captain Deep Breath
07-14-2010, 11:48 AM
I know how you feel!

Mine is not in front of a crowd per se, but over the phone during conference calls etc.

Just being in the spotlight really sucks when you have anxiety. You just want to stay in your impenetrable bubble.

07-15-2010, 02:03 AM
I know how you feel!

Mine is not in front of a crowd per se, but over the phone during conference calls etc.

Just being in the spotlight really sucks when you have anxiety. You just want to stay in your impenetrable bubble.

When I'd get nervous on conference calls I pace around a lot. It seems to help, and mute buttons are great for breathers too.

Captain Deep Breath
07-15-2010, 09:38 AM
lol thanks for the tip but i'd look pretty ridiculous pacing around my little cubicle hahaha

08-14-2013, 03:00 PM
It's not a quick method, but I've found CBT to be very effective in overcoming anxiety situations. I used to have great difficulty with public speaking (I would avoid it whenever possible), but since I started CBT it's become much easier for me. This site has some good information on the subject: https://socialanxietyinstitute.org/

08-14-2013, 03:35 PM
Very easy. Take a moderate to large dose of benzodiazepine. This should prevent fear.
Next take a beta blocker. This will prevent physical symptoms of anxiety like shaking.