View Full Version : Racing heart all the time

07-08-2012, 05:44 PM
So, I know I have anxiety, and I really just need some reassurance. Does anyone else get a racing, thudding heart for long periods of time? Sometimes it will go on for an hour or more with me. It has been a. Purple years since I got any sort of heart tests done, but when I did they were normal. I'm 30, a smoker, and highly stressed :( I keep thinking maybe something has changed with my heart even though the symptoms Are the same as always. Sometimes I get short stabbing pains, sometimes it feels like my left side is weak and that someone is squeezing my left chest area. What bothers me is am I getting this as a panic symptom? Or am I panicking because of the symptom (chicken or egg). Also I should mention that I seem to belch more when it happens which does relieve pressure but it's the fact that it can go for what seems like forever that's scary. Thanks in advance for your help.

07-26-2012, 12:43 PM
Hey there,

I was looking for someone with the same problem....thats what seems to be going on with me as well. Im a 31 yr old female who's had this problem for 3 weeks now. Im not a smoker though, dont know if that has any effect on the problem? Im very conscious of my heartbeat at all times. Especially when i lay down to sleep at night. Even when i dont feel stressed or anxious it seems to be working on overtime. I also get pressure in my chest and feel like im constantly burping (which like you relieves some of the pain and pressure) I've been to urgent care twice and the ER once. They sent me to ER with "tachycardia" and took some blood tests and put me on the heart monitor. The blood tests came back fine so other than a faster than normal heartbeat they couldn't find anything. I have an appointment in 2 weeks to see a GP so maybe i'll get some answers then?? Have you been able to see a doctor since you posted this??

07-26-2012, 03:05 PM
I used to have exactly the same symptoms as you are both describing and it was all down to anxiety and stress even though I was getting the symptoms at times when I did not feel stressed and anxious. I was put on beta blockers which reduce adrenaline production, lower the heart rate and blood pressure several months ago and within a short time of taking my first tablet the symptoms were gone. I have been on the meds since and have had no tachycardia since and no pain or odd feelings in my chest. The beta blockers really were a god send for me and along with them and the help of a pyschotherapist I am now anxiety free and looking to reduce the meds as I am in a much better place mentally than I was several months ago.
Try not to worry about the symptoms too much- I am sure they are caused by anxiety as it is so common for sufferers to experience what you guys have.

07-26-2012, 09:13 PM
Thanks Buttercup!

I have been doing a bit of research since this is all new to me.....just been dealing with this for the last three weeks. Im pretty sure it was brought on by having to come back from the uk to the states when i didnt want to :P Anyway, i was looking into beta blockers and im going to bring that up with the GP im going to see in two weeks. I also had high blood pressure readings each time i was at urgent care and the ER, which i never had before. I've been trying to keep my anxiety at bay with lots of tea and vitamins which has helped significantly! Thanks again for the reassurance and now i feel a bit more relieved that its nothing to worry about too much and hopefully will be controlled soon :) Im also looking into seeing a psychotherapist. Happy to hear you're anxiety free and you've come out the other side!