View Full Version : still no different

07-08-2012, 09:41 AM
hiya everyone.

i haven't been on here for a while, as my obsessions have driven me elsewhere lol.

i am still on 100mg of sertraline. i have been for quite some time now. long enough for them to definitely be in my system.
i have to admit, my anxiety is alot easier to handle. it is still there, but i think it is now just at the normal level.
i also understand that it will take some time to break the 'habit' i have got myself into with the places i have feared. so i am still pushing myself.

my obsessions though are still strong. they are still annoying me too.

i am still waiting for the appointment to come through with the 'worker' from the community treatment team.

i am no longer obsessed with my health. thank god!

since my last time on here i have been obsessed with science. (i have always been interested, but not obsessed). chuffed to bits they got somewhere with the higgs boson!

i spend my time reading up on things about it. watching science month on eden. it is fantastic!
i'm also on the setlive website, spending hours looking for new signals.

i have been doing my family tree aswell. spending more money on obsessions that just fade away.
i've also spent money on netweather.

since we had the supercell, i have became obsessed. i love storms, and to me it was sooooo exciting. i now can't stop thinking about it.

before though, i only had one obsession at a time.
i'm now having two or three at once!!

it is frustrating, and hard to keep up with them...

my son is getting annoyed with me now because i keep rambling on about all this science stuff he doesn't have a clue what i am talking about.
thankfully, my daughter also finds it all interesting.

just to add: my cat had 6 bootiful kittens 2 weeks ago. they are all gorgeous! i think one of them is blind though, bless him. so he will defintiely be staying with me :)

do you think i should up my meds to deal with my obsessions better?
i do enjoy them...sometimes! as i say though, one obsession is easy to handle. but when i'm having a few at a time, it is really hard to deal with.
i really thought they would have gone now, with the help of the meds! or at least died down. not get worse!

rant over!

i hope everybody is dealing with their anxiety alot better than before and i hope everyone is ok!

07-08-2012, 12:52 PM
On the meds question. For OCD a higher dose is often needed and one can go up to 200 of zoloft so you might ask you doc about going to 150mg and holding there. He/she might want you to hold at 100mg a bit longer.
I am happy you've have seen some benefit from the 100 mgs. Alankay