View Full Version : felling uncalm inspite of takink pills ...

07-08-2012, 07:05 AM
hi evrey one can sumbudy cheer me up by saying that there is treatment that helps overcoming anxiety attack's ,and give me advice if i'm doing right to trust takeing pills only and not becuse of economic problems going to psychologist ...

07-08-2012, 07:22 AM
I feel that i would never have over come my anxiety and depression without pills and the help of talking therapies. I started taking citalopram when my anxiety and depression was at it's worst and have never looked back since. I am also on beta blockers now and they have been a god send as I used to suffer badly from increased heart rate, palpitations and sweating. Trust in your doctor the meds he/she has precribed and if they and the psychologist work for you then don't worry about what other people say. Admittedly some folk do not benefit from or need pills/psychs but some do and in my opinion going with what works for you personally is the best.

07-08-2012, 07:58 AM
what are beta blockers buttercup?

seen it a lot and never know what it is lol

If it helps tovi it took me a few months to find the right pill/therapy rountine, though not on anything now and stopped therapy february. Was on escitalopram/olanzapine and doing cbt for a few years. but stopped pills nearly 4 years ago and same with cbt but discovered EFT therapy which i did for 3 months.

07-08-2012, 08:11 AM
Beta blockers basically keep your heart rate and blood pressure steady/normal. They block the release of adrenaline so they take away a lot of the horrible symptoms you can get with a panic attack and anxiety. Although they don't take away the fear in your head they make the physical symptoms much more bearable. I find that once these symptoms are under control then it's easier to take control of the "head" symptoms. People often take them before things like a driving test, presentation, exams and so on. I take a slow realease tablet daily though that keeps working over a period of 24hours. Now I am in a better place with regards to anxiety I am hoping to wean off them and just take them as and when required. They are used for other medical conditions as well like angine, heart problems, high blood pressure and thyroid problems. i was really reluctant to start taking them as I did not like the idea of a drug that did something to my heart but they really have helped me and I had no negative side effects apart from a bit of weight gain but I can live with that and since I am feeling better i am happier to exercise now and eat healthier food.

Would you say EFT is worth getting? I have never tried that and don't know much about the process.

B x

07-08-2012, 08:58 AM
Hi buttercup! This is my second day on betas. My belly is full of anxiety and nausea. Wondering if this is a side effect. Or am I spiraling into another cave of anxiety. Also I couldn't sleep I just feel exhausted and scared. I'm taking them for heart palps I was getting.

07-08-2012, 09:29 AM
What ones are you taking kmarie? I am on propranolol (80mg slow release). I was like you and did feel anxious when I took them but that went away after a couple of days. I think the anxiety was cause by worry about possible side effects. Try not to assume you are going to get more anxious. View it positively- you went and got new pills and are trying to combat your anxiety so that is a positive. It can take awhile for people's bodies to get used to new meds. As I said, the beta blockers get rid of things like heart palps but not the actual anxiety itself. Are you seeing a counsellor/therapist/psych as well? x

07-08-2012, 10:12 AM
I'm on the same med only20 mg twice a day. I'm definatley anxious about the effects. Meds scare me. But I'm still afraid of the palps. I had only a small one yesterday so that's good but I'm afraid still that it's an actual heart issue and not anxiety. I do feel queasy in the put if my belly. Did you have the same heart fear as me. I did do an ECG. I did one a while back it was fine I did one yesterday as well but neither times the palps were present so I feel they are going to miss something.

07-08-2012, 10:31 AM
Kmarie... palps are usually so few & far between that 1 minute on the ECG isn't likely to capture them.
(You need a holter monitor for long term recordings)

The ECG is for picking up the following;

Heart rate
Regularity of heartbeats
Size and position of the heart chambers
The presence of any damage to the heart

If all this came back normal then that's a sure sign that things are normal!

07-08-2012, 10:38 AM
What if they continue? So I stay on the blockers forever? Can I excercise? I never had them before so why now? I was doing so much better. Now I'm back to fear at its highest. I can't do this anymore. I'm usually a happy busy person. This whole year of dizziness and attacks a d now this on top has broken me. I'll never be ok it seems.

07-08-2012, 11:07 AM
They will dissappear when you're calm again, or at least you won't notice them when your mind is not focusing on them.

Note that even the healthiest of people have palps, some up to a dozen times a day... so actually they are a normal, day-to-day function for most people.

Yes of course you can exercise, but be aware that exercise can cause them.. and if you're not in the right state of mind then this may inadvertantly cause you concern.

For people that suffer anxiety disorder, the best exercise is walking. Starting slow and building up over the weeks/months until eventually you may wish to jog or run.
(This will build you confidence and fitness gradually and calmly)

The important thing is to get back to a calm state of mind. Don't worry about the "what ifs"!!

07-08-2012, 11:27 AM

EFT was very beneficial for my situation, I highly recommend this course of therapy especially when you have certain circumstances that trigger your anxiety. Mine was mostly transport, being comfortable outside and social situations. It works on the principles of pressure points on your face and body, the therapist will ask you to recite a particular sentence that is linked with a particular source of anxiety, whilst you recite the therapist taps the pressure points to divert negative energies to different parts of the body rather then it staying in your head. Just like CBT it's another form of therapy that re-wires your brain so situations you once found difficult to handle are now easy. Some of the situations I dealt with this year are now easy, in fact I don't even for a second think about my anxiety because there is none to think about. I did it for three months to prepare flying alone half way round the world, I was terrified me but now I've done it three times over five-months and I'm a lot more confident in my day to day routine and have re-established a lot of my personal relationships and have now a mostly normal life. Don't get me wrong I have the odd bad day just as everyone but now it doesn't affect me in such a way that everything has to be cancelled and I lock myself in a room.

07-08-2012, 11:47 AM
The only way is Essex!

Tried Cherry Lambrini yet, Amy? pmsl

07-08-2012, 12:24 PM
Oi dazza!?!?

No I ain't cos I aint that common thanx ;) haha ahem I don't like lambrini.