View Full Version : Argh!

07-07-2012, 09:40 PM
Nothing like falling down a mountain and scraping and bruising your body. Great day! :-(

So stupid.. Anxiety wasn't bad today just a headache but I know waking up tomorrow after today is going to hurt and bite the big one.

07-08-2012, 02:21 AM
Glass is always half empty, huh?

I.e. you're already thinking that tomorrow will be bad.

YOU MUST understand that this pre-emptive negative thinking is precisely the main cause of all your/our issues.

You gotta change the way you think. You HAVE to.

For gawd sakes, try to think the complete opposite... you've been up a mountain, had a great day, did some exercise and that any bruising tomorrow is absolutely and completely normal given you had a little fall.
Think that the bruising is actually a celebration of a good day!!


07-08-2012, 02:32 AM
Totally agree with Dazza that the negative thinking and expecting to panic and be anxious causes lots of problems. It can be so hard to change your way of thinking though but it really is a must to start thinking positively if you want to get over this. It took me a long time to change my mind set but with the help of a psychotherapist I really turned a corner and no longer expect to get anxious or wait for it to happen, I've managed to start thinking in a whole different way and no longer feel like anxiety is around every corner. Like Daz said, turn the negatives into positives- you got some battle wounds! It was great that you went up a mountain in the first place and now you have the bruises to prove that you went out in the fresh air, had limited anxiety and.... you fell. No biggie, you'll be sore but that's ok, you'll just be more careful next time you go.