View Full Version : Haven't left the house for weeks

07-07-2012, 09:38 AM
Hey all, I feel very depleted and have for a few months now. Now it's gotten to the point where I haven't left the house in weeks and probably over a month. My eating pattern has also worsened so I panic as i think i am not getting enough nutrients, Previously I wasn't drinking enough water maybe 1-2 glasses per day but i wasn't using any energy. But I am drinking a bit more water day by day.

I have been through the shakes, racing heart beat and struggling to chew properly but that seemingly has been and gone, A shock to the system perhaps but now I am kind of used to this Anxiety and doesn't have any of those above symptoms.

I am starting to get bored with my life and I've found Solace in staying at home. It's where I feel comfortable and I am scared to get out of that comfort zone.

I have hit a snag with picking up my Mum's cold she brought home with her from Fiji and I feel very run down but I think that comes to not being fit and in a healthy state. I am scared to even go out to the doctors to get it checked out.

I apologise if I offend someone in this next question/statement.

But tonight I felt like a bit of "leisure" so i opened up some pages of interesting women where I'd relieve myself and I was worried about doing it while i was sick but I went through with it and now I am scared that I will have a heart attack because my immune system is down cause of this cold, Can you die of this while sick or run down?.

I've sensationally hit rock bottom and whilst my body isn't sending me any suprises. I fear for my current health because I am probably lacking in Vitamin D, my diet is poor-ish atm and now i've got a cold and I don't want to make things worse.

Please help!

07-07-2012, 11:35 AM
Fletch, you sound depressed to me. Maybe just as much depressed as anxious. Have you seen your/a GP about all this? Even talking with a counselor might help allot. Alankay

07-07-2012, 01:27 PM
Strange how anxiety affects us so differently.

Although I have a partner, we currently live in our own, separate houses.

Where once I used to love the peace and solitude of my own home & space, I now can only take so much of being indoors on my own.

Things have changed so much...

07-07-2012, 06:31 PM
I am extremely depressed Alan and maybe your right that it's now more Depression than Anxiety but Unfortunately i am still quite wary of my current physical state not just mental, Very poor sleeping and eating patterns.

I have also a negative effect when playing Video games, If a movement of character is up at a high place or part of a big drop I get adrenalin but it turns in me feeling very light and that is more frustrating that i can't enjoy certain Video Games without this happening.