View Full Version : Weird/detached feeling?

07-07-2012, 02:05 AM
Kay so I have anxiety & at first I just felt scared & nervous all the time, having constant panic attacks but I since I've started my medicine I haven't had a panic attack or those feelings in a long time. But since that's gone away ive just been feeling kinda detached, not here, robotish kind of feeling. I don't know how to explain it but it's as if I don't feel at all. & I feel like if I don't do things in a certain order everyday I'll have a panic attack. For example, switching to a different shampoo I feel like I'll start having panic attacks again. Or just even having a class of tea or soda makes me nervous & feel like I'll have a panic attack. Uhg, I just hate this. I just want to be normal & be able to go about my life without having to stress everything & over think every little thing. Someone help :(

07-07-2012, 02:33 AM
Anxiety is an extremist, pre-occupied state of mind, remember. Your head is essentially filled & overwhelmed with the FEAR emotion.
(Bad thoughs / worries have built up over a period and then let loose all in one go, wreaking havoc with you and ultimately... causing anxiety disorder)

The normal thought process is made up of 3 parts:

(1) We sense something --> (2) We rationalise with it --> (3) We take action on it

Anxiety disorder causes our grey matter to skip step 2 (rationalise), so we go from SENSE to ACTION in a flash and conclude the worst case scenario, which invariably ends in a panic attack.

So, take it on board that your current irrationality (even for the most trivial of activities) is because of the above.

Good to hear the meds have cured the panic attacks (suppressing your reaction to fear) - this is conclusive evidence that indeed you have anxiety disorder, but meds alone are not a cure.

Your spaced out feeling is so typical of anxiety and I've no doubt the meds will also be influential in this respect.

You're not cured. You still have anxiety disorder and cognetive therapy is usually the most effective treatment.

TRY your damned hardest to rationalise next time you have to make a decision (on changing shampoo, for example).
TELL yourself that it's only shampoo! and rationalise that nothing bad will come of changing it.
(You already know this... you've just gotta ram it home, breaking through the innapropriate fear)

07-07-2012, 10:06 AM
Kay so I have anxiety & at first I just felt scared & nervous all the time, having constant panic attacks but I since I've started my medicine I haven't had a panic attack or those feelings in a long time. But since that's gone away ive just been feeling kinda detached, not here, robotish kind of feeling. I don't know how to explain it but it's as if I don't feel at all. & I feel like if I don't do things in a certain order everyday I'll have a panic attack. For example, switching to a different shampoo I feel like I'll start having panic attacks again. Or just even having a class of tea or soda makes me nervous & feel like I'll have a panic attack. Uhg, I just hate this. I just want to be normal & be able to go about my life without having to stress everything & over think every little thing. Someone help :(

Hi Hailey, I know exactly what you mean and what it feels like. I had a series of panic attacks over the space of a week or two and then i had one a bit out of nowhere and the feeling after it was just everything you've explained it to be.

Do NOT Touch Diet soda's. They are absolutely horrible for you, Pilots are not allowed to have Diet Soda's because it can harm their abilities to mess with their feelings and ability to work on a level head, My Anxiety I think was actually caused by having too much Diet Coke, Mum bought me 10 diet cokes because they were $1 each, bad bad mistake because we think that is what caused it.

Much love and all the best

07-07-2012, 11:21 AM
Thank you guys :)