View Full Version : @____/plwase help now!!\____@

07-06-2012, 10:31 PM
Im afraid of this cheat pain! I need to calm down someone talk to Me please

07-06-2012, 10:52 PM
relax... take deep breaths........... it will pass

07-06-2012, 11:32 PM
man let me start by saying relax, i know its hard to accept but there is no pain, i know this because i had the same thing and ended up in the ER just to be told im healthy. That was my first panic attack which lead to a few weeks of derealization and dizziness and the feeling and anxiety that it might happen again.

For ages i didnt know what this was and i thought it was a physical problem. Today i realized, like actually realized that there is nothing wrong and i fully accepted that i had anxiety and the feelings left. i feel like a giant weight has been lifted from me and i am myself again.

You can too, there is nothing wrong with your heart, the feeling of heart pain is described unbearably acute crushing, and it will not last long before your really in trouble. You may feel like this is you but let me say if it were heart pain u wouldnt be able to write this post.

relax and tell yourself u have anxiety, accept it and u will soon laugh at it

07-07-2012, 01:41 AM
> if it were heart pain u wouldnt be able to write this post.

Well, there are quite a few spelling mistakes! :D

07-07-2012, 01:44 AM
I ended up in the emergency room last week myself and that is very true. If it were anything seriously you certainly would not been able to write the post. I'm up at almost 4am because I woke from racing heart. I went to sleep anticipating work though. And therefore I know why its racing. Talk yourself into the what ifs positively. What if its avid reflux and you just need a tums? What if your just tired and thinking too much. ? Also give yourself permission to feel that way and go along for the ride. It's uncomfortable but once you learn to accept the feeling I've heard it starts to go away.