View Full Version : chest pain
07-06-2012, 10:25 PM
Tonight my chest hurts. Right now it is continuos. Its kinda in the center but to the left. Im so scared its my heart. I cant sleep an it almost 1 am and I gotta wake up at 6 am. For Work. What do I do because the pain is my only symptom???
07-06-2012, 11:36 PM
stop thinking about it, watch an episode of the simpsons or something light hearted like that and distract yourself, youl probably realize your not hurting at all once ur mind is distracted
07-07-2012, 01:36 AM
You've probably heard that chest pains are one of the most common symptoms of anxiety?
(A tightening / hardening of the chest muscles because of an excess of adrenalin hormone)
Hard to comprehend I know, but drum it into your head that anxious folk have a mental problem; our thought processes are innapropriately extreme (i.e. we ALWAYS think the worst) and these thoughts trigger a flight or fight reaction.
This reaction actually makes us super human for a short period. We can run faster, we can lift heavier objects, our senses are enhanced and so on.
The downside for us is the reaction is innapropriate or unnecessary, so we suffer the symptoms even though there was no danger in the first place.
Booooo & hissssss!
Anxiety related chest pains are most common in the centre (near sternum), the bottom left (below nipple) and (above nipple > under arm)
This pain often extends down the left arm (normally underneath - the other side of the bicep)
Once the pain has occured and has been continuous for some time, there's no quick relief I'm affraid. It takes time for the muscles to relax and the only way this will happen is if you're relaxed and calm.
I sympathise with you. I know it FEELS like the pain is in the heart, but, given that your tests all came back clear - I can guarantee it isn't.
By the way; try not to prod or poke the offending area - this usually makes the pain worse.
Other symptoms which make us believe it is a heart issue are:
1/ Palpitations
- Where the heart is irritated, usually by an innapropriate fearful thought message passing down the nerves... in addition to the heart already being fed with adrenalin
2/ Arm pain
- Explained above
3/ Shortness of breath
- Tightening of neck and chest muscles which somewhat restrict our airways
4/ Dizziness
- Usually because our minds are pre-occupied with anxious thoughts causing brief moments of panic and inattention (absent minded)
You'll find this pain comes and goes as it pleases.
Try not to fear it... it's JUST a chest muscle.
07-07-2012, 03:14 PM
What you are feeling is normal.
I dont think is linm to you anxeity at all.I dont remember what it is called but many people have had the exp.
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