View Full Version : New here

07-06-2012, 08:12 PM
Hey, my names Eric and I'm 29 years old. I've been going through anxiety and panic for about a year in a half now. I've never been diagnosed with it but I know it can't be anything else. Some nights are so bad, the feelings I get from this I can't even explain. I have all the basic symptoms of anxiety or panic but sometimes I literally feel like I'm about to die and the love I have for my daughter at this time come full force. Very hard to explain, I also have an off balance feeling throughout the day. Like if I bend over sometimes I get dizzy.

07-06-2012, 08:18 PM
I've tried to beat this myself but I just can't. I can control my attacks through breathing but symptoms remain. I get so mad at myself because of the way I feel, I don't feel depressed at all. I still laugh and play softball once a week, I actually usually feel better when Im out playing or exercising. I just want to be normal like the rest of my friends, I want to be able to go anywhere at anytime and no worry how I might feel.

07-06-2012, 08:24 PM
I finally went to doctor today about this and they gave me buspirone hcl. I'm kinda nervous about taking it, don't know what to expect. Is their anything I should know about this Med? Do any of you take this? Also is it ok to drink alcohol with this? My doctor said it would be ok but pharmacy told me absolutely not.

07-06-2012, 08:32 PM
Can a mod move this thread to the general discussion room? seems like more people than here.