View Full Version : Anxiety is rearing it's ugly head again!!! Help!!

Jason Breitenbach
07-05-2012, 09:30 PM
Have been takin Lexapro on and off for two years now and most recently I stopped taking it all together for about 2 months and for the most part I felt fine...alert...more energy!! These past two weeks I have felt really panicky so I decided to start-up the Lexapro again and for the most part it has backfired badly!!! Don't know if it's the medication wearing off or it is becasue I started the Lexapro again??? Please has anyone ever expeirenced this??

07-05-2012, 09:49 PM

I recently experienced the same thing. I had a massive anxiety attack several years ago that resulted in my being hospitalized because I became so ill. My doctors put me on 10 mg of Lexapro, which was tough at first because the anxiety that I was having was so severe I ended up having severe gastritis/had to have an EGD/dehydrated...etc etc. It took about a month for me to feel any difference...but oh was there a difference. I was "normal" for the first time in years. And yes, as my body was adjusting I went through awful anxiety. Miserable. Debilitating. To the point of where I'd miss work and not be able to even get in the shower. But I didn't quit. I received therapy weekly and saw a holistic therapist, as well as my minister. They discovered my serotonin was out of whack...which is what the Lexapro adjusts. Regardless....after about 4-6 weeks I was a new person. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from college, got engaged, and literally lived a life without anxiety. Lexapro saved my life....worries that I had since childhood (that I used to think were normal) went away. I felt at ease and calm with the world.

However, I was 19 when I began the Lexapro...and now being 22, I decided to switch to generic Lexapro 10 mg to save money for the house I want. Let me warn you, although many people have NO problems with generic medications...I had a serious reaction to mine. It took about 3 months to manifest...but I started NOT feeling myself. I had major brainfog, I felt under the weather a lot, no energy...I was tested by the doctor for everything. Little did I know that it was my anxiety creeping up on me again. I had another major anxiety (debilitating) attack that is finally beginning to clear up. I was couch ridden for 5 days and had to take xanax to even eat or get in the shower...I immediately restarted therapy and saw my doctor. She explained to me that people sometimes find generics less-effective..and that's why she thinks I relapsed. About a week and a half ago she restarted me on brand Lexapro and upped my dose to 15 mg...and I already am feeling better.

The side effects I had from restarting the Lexapro and upping the dose were bad. I had night sweats, tearfullness, awful anxiety, racing thoughts...even when I slept, inability to focus, blurred vision, and nausea...however...THEY DO CLEAR UP. Do not give up on the Lexapro until you give it AT LEAST 4 weeks...if not 6. It takes a while for SSRI's to stabilize. It usually gets worse before it gets better...at least for me it did. Perhaps your doctor can prescribe you a benzo to make it through the first week. I am now completely off xanax and only had to use it for about 7 days.

I'd also encourage you to seek therapy. These next 2 weeks may be rocky...and meditation/breathing techniques are extremely useful, especially if benzos like xanax don't work well for you. (They didn't take all my anxiety away...just made it so I could function) Drink LOTS of water, cut caffiene...NO ALCOHOL. Alcohol spurs anxiety....especially if you have a hangover. I quit drinking a pot of coffee a day cold turkey and suffered the consequences.

I promise you...it will get better...let my story encourage you. God Bless.


07-06-2012, 03:01 AM
I was on lexapro for 6 months came off...anxiety came back in 2 months, went back on for 12 months then off for 6 but this time the anxiety came back worse than ever:(I gained so much weight and felt so lazy on this med, now am trying prozac ....but lexpro works I just found it hell to come off (about 2 weeks after)....this time I am also doing cbt:)