View Full Version : How to get that confidence back?

07-05-2012, 07:34 PM
Couple of weeks ago I had a bit of a panic attack because a car was trailing behind me on my bumper for like 6-7 miles. I ended up getting real nervous again the next week. I'm still driving but have noticed that I drive differently. Instead of being aggressive and confident, I drive very carefully and very protective, like I don't trust anyone.

I know you need to be an observant driver, but I use to be so confident now I just get nervous. Today was actually an improvement for me, but how can I keep making strides?

07-05-2012, 08:06 PM
By not quitting driving despite ur panic attack. Avoidance only makes it worse so keep on keeping on

07-06-2012, 09:48 AM
bump..anyone else

07-06-2012, 09:59 AM
Don't associate your car with somewhere the panic sets in.. Go for a drive when your calm , stick a cd on and relax. I know what you mean, nothing wrong with being careful , it's that confidence of driving like you normally would.