View Full Version : Scared feeling

cat eyes
07-05-2012, 03:26 PM
Why do I get this scared afraid feeling, nervous/jittery feeling and a feeling like I am going to pass out. I get weak and tired. My heart races and I feel like my heart will stop any minute and I will die. I been to several doctors and the ER. They say it's panic attacks/anxiety. I take 5mg of celexa every night. I do have an rx for Xanax but I am afraid to take it. Can anybody relate to this??

07-05-2012, 05:45 PM
Sure. What you describe is what we all know as anxiety or symptoms of anxiety.
When I was 18 I hated the thought of taking meds for anxiety. I eventually took serax, then centrax(both benzos) and they killed/reduced anxiety. A mixed blessing as today I still have an rx for valium and need it occasionally along with 20mg of prozac which helps put "a cap" on my anxiety.
If you feel you cannot tolerate the level of anxiety you feel, I would say to try a 1/2 tab of xanax although I think a longer acting med is better. Just my opinion. But at least you will see how a benzo generally effects with you. They all pretty much work the same some just longer acting or more/less potent. They all work fairly quickly.
The celexa is good but might need to be bumped up slowly.
I hate the fact that I need meds to control my anxiety......hate it. But they have helped my live a pretty normal life and I have learned allot about anxiety it's treatment, common course/scenarios, etc.
I also have moved past having an attitude about meds. I have anxiety, the meds didn't give me it(yeah an ssri can raise it temporarily). The docs didn't give me it. Worry did. I just came to a point where I could not tolerate more/higher anxiety/panic and asked a pdoc for help. He sent me for psychotherapy but that didn't help too much. So we added meds to the mix and it helped me stay in college and bought me time to learn all about anxiety so it became a bit less scary. I learned it's not uncommon.
Anyway meds are not a fix. They help control symptoms like insulin helps a diabetic. Fact is in time you may be able to drop/reduce the meds. I did(reduce).
If you are having that much discomfort and distress, I would try a 1/2 or xanax(or ask for a longer acting med like klonopin/valium or even ativan and I think you find it helps for those who need it. Just remember to use restraint(use only what you need) and understand meds are not the whole answer(if there is one). You need to learn all about anxiety, and what you can do to calm yourself and put yourself in a mindset to be less anxious and tense. CBT is great for that. PM me any time. Alankay.

cat eyes
07-11-2012, 02:44 AM
Hi Alankay,

I sent u a pm. Thnx!