View Full Version : Becoming very outcast in life

02-09-2007, 05:13 PM
In life I've gone through some bad moments. I've been pretty much alone. regardless i've managed to achieve lots of things and be able to do tons of stuff many people my age cant do.

people are shocked at how me being so young have accomplished so much in life....but i feel like it means nothing. in many many times i think i should be proud and happy but i always find this void within...

I havent seen my father in 6 years, nor the rest of my family in colombia, and rarely talk call my parents or brother for weeks. I recently moved to florida about 7 months ago. All my friends in new jersey have practically forgot about me. they no longer call me, or anything. for the past two months of this year i have become a total outcast.

I rarely speak, or interact with people. I have a history of depression and social anxiety disorder. regardless, i have few anxiety....but i feel so down...like there is no point in life. and still i manage to take good care of myself and do things which at times ditract me but it doesnt work that well....i have this look without expression all the time.

I drink beer once in a while and it sure makes me more interactive in social situations. I feel good and all, but i dont like drinking too much since i do daily exercise and take good care of myself. the councelur i used to talk to for some reason never answered my emails, nor taken my calls. i feel like there is no one to talk too

I havent visited this site since last year...so i guess this was kind of like the last breath.

I know its my fault for not openning more to people...i feel like i need to take anxiety medecine again and always tell my mom to get me the old descriptions but she doesnt think is that serious. im alone in florida paying rent so is hard....and just waiting to get the hell outta here so i can start college in canada.

02-10-2007, 11:23 AM
You are welcome to open up here we will all listen. Maybe your Councillor hed some kind of breakdown of his/her own ;) try not to be to down we do tend to lose touch with those a long distance away life takes over and we forget those we dont see everyday. Unfortuatly it becomes the responsabilty of the individual who has moved away to make the effort to stay in touch. I hope being here helps and I hope you feel happier soon.

Stay Strong
