View Full Version : Theres always hope

07-05-2012, 12:18 PM
I'm new and would like to tell you my story ,how I cope and offer advice.Ive always had anxiety but very mild.That sick in the stomach feeling,panic and not being able to eat when something bad happens.But it only lasted a few days and may not happen again for years.They say that these little anxious moments are like pouring a shot glass of water into a bucket until one day the bucket fills and overflows.Anxiety is physical and mental.
I'm sure you have read all the symptoms of anxiety after googling "disease of the day" you have.So far I've convinced my self I have every form of cancer available,Ebola,Lou Gherigs disease,tumours and quite possibly pregnancy..(I'm 27 and male). My "wobblers" as I call them consist of utter panic,shaking,sweating,fear,tunnel vision,brain fog,etc. But what causes them is the body zaps,jolts,tingles that give me reason to think I'm dying(I like a beer and smoke) so I convince myself I have a serious illness and I'm close to tears.Name me 1 symptom of Anxiety and I'm sure I have it.I have irrational thoughts which terrify me.I once dropped my baby brother on his head and I know think he's going to wake with a brain tumour and die.(he's now 20,a boxer and healthier than me)
When I get these pains I start pushing,irritating,and constantly aggravating the area.There not painful though just annoying so I say to myself "give it 5 days and then go doctor" then they stop. Not one of these niggles have ever hurt or made me double over in pain.
I really want to go on forever but I'll summarise.
Talking helps wether it's mum dad wife husband therapist or cat.Get it off your chest.
It can be hard but when I feel an attack coming on I stop and in my head I shout NO repeatedly and breath slowly.
Don't be ashamed to have a cry it's your body grieving.
Your favourite song can really cheer u up.
Watch a funny film laughter is relief.
How ever anti social you feel and don't want to leave the house(me most days) have a walk.
Explain to your best friend why you haven't been out.
Weight loss is normal. You want to eat but have no desire. (when I'm calm I eat like a horse)
Don't be ashamed of having your little ways of copping , your only human.
The good days will out weigh the bad days.
Medication is a help not a sign of weakness.
I could go on but I don't think I have enough room. I also like to use humour as a crux. Remember anxiety plays on your deepest fears. The mind is powerful and controls your body but you CAN control your mind. Thanks for listening I hope it can help

07-05-2012, 01:11 PM
Welcome Phil.

07-05-2012, 02:29 PM
Great advice Phil! Welcome to the forum x