View Full Version : overly tired and sweating loads

Salem Doomey
07-05-2012, 08:51 AM
Well okay it is very hot today, but I am sweating more than normal. Its my sons sports day, and I went over to watch him, and felt almost emediatley "knackered", and moments later noticed I was sweating really badly. It is a little hotter than normal today, but no one else seemed to be struggling too bad.

Can this be an anxiety blip? I was not feeling anxious in myself oddly.

07-05-2012, 02:34 PM
People reacy differently to the heat, some love it and cope really well and others just can't deal with it regardless of anxiety. I do like the sun but only for sun bathing when i have nothing else to do becuase I get so tired and sweaty. I have always been like that even when I am going through a phase of anxiety or not. I try to stay really hydrated and wear lots of deoderant! It is really unpleasant though and I know exactly what you mean about seeing other people that seem to cope with it fine, but maybe inside they are miserable with the heat and feeling just like you do.