View Full Version : dizzyness from amphetamine

07-05-2012, 04:21 AM
Hello guys. I could really use peoples opinions on this.

for about a month I used a very tiny amount of methampetamine ( 5mg? 10mg? orally ) in the morning as a means of staying awake (i was always tired). The dosage was small enough for me to easily fall asleep by 5pm if I wanted to most days. Anyway after a month I got dizzy and panic out of nowhere. I stopped and never used since.

this was almost 6 months ago. Since then ive continued to get dizzy / derealisation from time to time.

have a real fear and concern that caused neurological problems to myself, and I find it difficult to accept these symptoms as anxiety, instead I keep believing that it is from stimulants. Does anyone have any experience or advice on this? Is the phenethylament responsible for what looks like permanent fear? or is the fear a result of my paranoia of self harm? any help would be appreciated.

note: no more stimulants ( never again I promise ) apart from coffee for 6 months. but no evidence has linked the symptoms to the caffeine ( have experimented ).