View Full Version : Anxious, scared, stressed

07-04-2012, 04:16 PM
Hello everyone

I've decided to post on here because I need t speak to people who feel some of the things I do. It seems from reading some of the posts here that my anxiety isn't as serious as a lot of others, but it makes me unhappy which I feel is serious enough. Here are some examples of the way I feel:

1. Every night before I go to sleep I lie feeling sick with worry about various things, mainly work related
2. Things seriously affect me which don't affect other people e.g. Last night I went for dinner with my girlfriend. Our steaks came overcooked and she sent them back. I spent last night and today feeling sorry for the chef wondering if he's been sacked (I know how silly this is)
3. I can't go on trains anymore as I feel that every time I'm sweating and everyone is looking at me and I can't get off, and have mild panic attacks
4. I'm very aware of my own mortality - I consider most things pointless as I feel that my best days are behind me (I'm 26)

My doctor has been reluctant to prescribe medication in the past but I feel as if things are getting worse. It's worth mentioning that I lost my mum to cancer two years ago, and I'm struggling to accept it.

Like I said, my problems are tiny compared to most on here, but I just wanted to share some things.


07-04-2012, 07:47 PM
Hi Sam, I'm 27 and experiencing the same things you are. I, too, lost my mom to cancer a few years ago so we have that in common. I have had anxiety for years but it has never been so bad that it actually affects my day to day life until recently. Sometimes I feel trapped in a situation such as a grocery store, a party, even a restaurant with my family or friends. I don't feel "normal" a lot. I find myself making excuses to leave places because I just have to get out immediately! My doctor perscribed Xanax which helps, although I don't like depending on it and try to limit the amount I take. I'm at the point where I think seeing a psychiatrist may help me. Have you done this? I've never been to one before but am thinking it may be the next step. I'm glad to know other people have the same feelings as me!