View Full Version : I'm here to help someone.

Guardian Angel
02-09-2007, 04:30 PM
Hello everyone. I just found your forum through trial and error. I have someone I care deeply for who has terrible anxiety, and a history of low self esteem. He is unaware how much I know. He works hard to hide it from everyone. ( I'm blessed with being very intuitive. I realized on my own what it was ) I want to help him, but I want to take it slow. He would be embarrassed to know that I'm aware of his social anxieties. This seems like the perfect place to start.

Any direction, ideas, or websites, books, etc that would help me understand how to support him would be appreciated. Most info I have found deals with the individual, and not the family or friends, and how they can help and be supportive.

By the way, he also has great "faith".

Thank you


02-10-2007, 11:12 AM
You'll find a lot of pointers and usful links etc. as you look around this board. If your loved one is Computer Literate tell him of this site. Knowing others feel as you do and having people who really understand to talk to really helps.

Welcome to the board. Nice to hear you are showing concern for your friend.

Duncan. :)