View Full Version : Struggling!

07-04-2012, 07:22 AM
Hey everyone,

I've been doing much better with my anxiety. I've been seeing my therapist and have been down to only .25 xanax right in the morning. I had a really bad night last night and I'm very discouraged. I couldn't sleep because of a party gong on next door and I was just so exhausted. I took a benadryl, but couldn't fall asleep...so then took .5 of xanax..and STILL COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP. I ended up taking a final .25 of xanax (so .75) total and finally was able to get some sleep. However, I'm feeling really discouraged and am pretty anxious this morning. I know it's a journey...but I thought that I was so much better and now I feel like I've taken a couple steps back. I'm so disappointed that this happened and that I had to rely on my xanax. I feel really guilty.


07-04-2012, 08:04 AM
Think of all the progress you've made. You're climbing up a ladder.... trying your hardest to reach the top. Just because you had a bad night and fell down one step of the ladder doesn't mean you're back at the bottom. Take a look at how far you've come!

07-04-2012, 08:07 AM
Keep your chin up and try to be positive. Have you tried doing a crossword or playing a game on your phone at night while lay in bed?

07-04-2012, 08:43 AM
Miss, we all have set backs or bad days. Anxiety can flare up a bit then calm back down for various reasons. You show restraint on the xanax use so that is good. You are respecting the med that is very good. Don't beat yourself up over this. As long as you're moving in the right direction in general don't let a bad day or night or even week define your status. Just look at how your doing in general overall for a longer time period....not a given day. You will get through to better times and be able to put these days in proper perspective. Remember the lesson to have a bad day sometimes and that's OK. I still do but it's just that. A bad day but many good ones always follow so now I just chalk it up to that and thank God they pass. PM me any time. Alankay.