View Full Version : Side effects...

07-04-2012, 03:54 AM
I posted bout a week and a half ago about my medications,but it seems like i cant reply on my thread with my phone.
Ok so where do I begin. On my 8th day of Effexor/seroquel and tapering off valium. So far I have nothing but nasty side effects. I was a whole lot better with just valium alone,but my pdoc wants me off benzos. Since I been on ativan,valium, xanax,clonazepam in the past.
It's kind of hard to tell which med if giving me the side effects,but I believe its the effexor extended release. My pdoc said one side effect I get is nervousness. Well I get more than that. I get mania;however he said side effects might last up to two weeks!! I was on cymbalta couple years ago and I never experience these side effects. I'm a very active person and an athlete,but lately I just want to shut away from the world because of these side effects.
Right now I'm on 75mgs effexor and 50mg seroquel at night. Effexor also gives me lost of appetite,but at night I eat like crazy when I'm on seroquel. I try to exercise the side effects,but it gets more agressive.. Anyone experience same issues and had them go away. I know our bodies are different and it takes time to adapt