View Full Version : Rear ended driving

07-03-2012, 05:18 PM
Argh, nothing like getting rear ended while driving when you have anxiety. I was having a good day and now I'm shaky. :-(

07-04-2012, 02:31 PM
Its alright :) i know accidents are scary but thank god youre all good!

I can sort of relate. Last night i was driving in an area where a huge fireworks celebration was going on. I was stopped at an intersection where the police were directig traffic so people could walk across the street. He waved us to go, i was the third car in line. As i was driving through the intersection, a group of people jetted across the intersection diagonally (not even on the crosswalk) and this was like 12am so it was pitch black outside. I passed them before they could walk in front of my car. The cop flagged me down and stopped me in the middle of the road, telling me i was supposed to stop and let the people cross. He then told me "do not go anywhere until i tell you to" and i sat there for 3 minutes while cars laid on the horn behind me. I was so embarassed. I waited there for nothing because its not like he wrote me a ticket. I had to bite my tongue cus he was a cop but i wanted to say "look you waved us to go and those people sprinted across jay walking its not my fault" i was shaking, upset and so mortified