View Full Version : Anxiety about getting ill all the time

lee duff
07-03-2012, 03:04 PM
Im 18 years old, I'm fit and healthy i go to the gym and do sports and have a good life, but Iv been suffering from OCD since a was younger but now it seems to have gotten worse but worse as in fear of Illness and death, it's got to the point where I just want to go crazy and screem. I constantly worry about getting ill and the main thing I worry about is cancer, I have a small blood dot and I think leukemia, I have forgetfulness or a headache and I think brain tumour, I have a pain in my stomach and I think prostate cancer, and it comes and goes constant but as soon as I see a doc and they tell me I'm fine I feel happy again untill I spot something else and it all happens again, my OCD always makes me do things in numbers or colours or patterns and if I try not to do it I tells me something bad will happen if I don't and it stresses me out, at the moment I'm worrying about a brain Tumor AGAIN is it normall to get forgetfulness with anxiety and OCD, I also seem to have a small stutter now And again is this because my brain is constantly being over worked with stress and OCD as well as work. I also blink a lot and am skatty and can be very hyperactive my mum says Iv always been this way but when I worry about it and look on the Internet I seem to get worse and get weird tingly feelings over my body little pains and symtoms of things and sometimes get very down. I just want to relate to people like me and know that I'm fine and how to control it and if these symptoms I'm getting are common in OCD and anxiety. Also when im around friends or out having fun I completely stop worrying and don't do any of my OCD I wish it would just goo away lol. my mum also suffers from bpd could this be hereditary and could i have got my anxiety from her because i know she dose the same as me, could i of got the anxiety part from her? I would appreciate it if someone could chat to me if they are like me with OCD and anxiety and if it's common to get these feelings and symptoms, thankyou.