View Full Version : Panic attack

07-03-2012, 01:16 PM
Ive been feeling worse since I've been on Prozac and I had a panic attack this morning. It was horrible. I'm seeing a new psychiatrist to see what medication if any the recommend. I'm so fucking over feeling this way. Things have gotten worse since taking Prozac. I haven't left the apartment in a week other than to go appointments and to the market.

07-03-2012, 01:57 PM
Have you thought about seeing a psychologist? The medication will help in the temporary term, however if you want long term lasting effects a psychologist will help identify faulty thinking habits that are causing the physical symptoms.

07-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Has it been just 1 week on the prozac? Often times medicine can be "activating" to your system and spike anxiety a bit. Side effects like this generally subside very soon. If you can, give it a few more days. You should also see if you can get a couple benzos, like ativan. It can kill the panic attacks as needed while the prozac kicks in.

07-03-2012, 03:56 PM
Have you thought about seeing a psychologist? The medication will help in the temporary term, however if you want long term lasting effects a psychologist will help identify faulty thinking habits that are causing the physical symptoms.

My therapist wants me to get a psychiatric consult. I know I need to see either a psychologist or psychiatrist to help me more. 2 days a week of therapy is not working.

Has it been just 1 week on the prozac? Often times medicine can be "activating" to your system and spike anxiety a bit. Side effects like this generally subside very soon. If you can, give it a few more days. You should also see if you can get a couple benzos, like ativan. It can kill the panic attacks as needed while the prozac kicks in.

It's been about 2 1/2 weeks. Started on 10 mg for a week and felt better, went to 20, was feeling worse, and my psychiatrist back home who I have just been talking to on the phone said jump up to 40. It's been 3 days and it's been a horrible 3 days. Is feel more anxious, spacey, day dreamy, and just shitty. My therapist says there are better and newer drugs that are geared more towards anxiety than Prozac. I'm waiting to hear back from him for a referral to a psychiatrist. My mom doesn't want me to pick someone off the Internet. I've had bad luck with dermatologists based off reviews.

07-03-2012, 04:51 PM
Prozac gave me anxiety for almost a month on and off then one day........................it turned around. I was amazed. The changes in your system are initially interpreted as bad and can cause anxiety, etc. But when the serotonin level stays up it help correct the proper functioning of both GABA(calming neurotransmitter) and Noradrenaline(excitory transmitter) to where they work more properly. Serotonin is kind of a master neurotransmitter and helps the others work correctly. If it gets that bad come right out and ask your doc for a short course of a long acting benzo like clorazepate/librium/valium/klonopin at a fairly low dose for a couple weeks and then taper off the benzo and continue the prozac. If you are thinking of dropping the prozac ask about this or some other med(atarax) to lower anxiety until it turns around for you. Alankay.