View Full Version : Anxiety and how it evolves for you?

07-02-2012, 09:03 PM
Here's how mine evolves, rarely do I just spiral into an attack without these symptoms present. I find this interesting and was wondering how others relate to there monster. I think if we can understand whats happening and the order they happen the more likely we'll be able to fight against this terrible situation and possibly prevent and actual attack from happening. P.S. I listed this in "General Discussions/Anxiety symptoms, however this is a little different than just the symptoms but also the order they take place. Mine are almost always in this order unless my mind thinks up some new illness to worry about that hasn't been ruled out by my doctors.

Usually the first symptoms come on like this....
tunnel effect / find myself wanting to stare into space
dizzy light headed feeling / almost like your drugged
Brain Fog... (this is the one I have the hardest time explaining to my doc, family and friends) It's a very weird feeling
Trouble concentrating: If I put up a fight with these I can prevent some of the following symptoms from rearing their heads

If the above are pesistant or escalate then comes these...
frequent urination : I can always tell anxiety is coming with this one
drymouth: same as above
belching excessively: even when I haven't eaten anything
loss of appetite
easily startled by noises (loud or normal)
agitated easily
loud noises seem to agrivate the symptom

If the above become severe enough then come these symptoms AKA minor anxiety
Note: if I try real hard to concentrate on something else, work, speaking to people, reading ect.
I can stop some of the following symptoms from progressing but It don't work all the time.
Feels like your losing your mind / going crazy
fear of dying or having an undiagnosed illness
brain actually hurts sometimes (Note) not the same feeling as a headache
hot flashes over mainly face but can be entire body
extra sensativity to heat
ability to have increased ability of smell, taste and hearing
fear of needing to getting away from people and places before the full blown attack happens.

And then the biggy.... The FULL BLOWN ANXIETY ATTACK
If this takes place then I usually spend a few days layed up recovering from the attack
Racing / or irregular heart beat
tingleing in hands, feet, arms and head
irregular breathing
feels like I might passout or faint
Extremely fatigued / tired afterward

My main question is... How many of your have simalar symptoms to mine in the first and second catagory before you actually experience anxiety? The biggest mystery to me is the brain fog / dizzy and lightheadedness. How many of you feel this? I become used to the problem so I don't go into a full blown anxiety attack very often.

07-02-2012, 09:12 PM
That's exactly how I fell kinda in the same pattern and I totally understand the brain foggy feeling. it's a really strange feeling

07-02-2012, 09:12 PM
I have a combination of the first and second I haven't had a panic attack in a while about 4 months....now its just the symptoms..just like you the light headedness and brain fog gets me especially in the morning while at work..it sucks

07-03-2012, 05:00 AM
My brain hurts too. I thought for sure that was only me. Mine occurs in the back of my head usually. As for the other symptoms, mine are identical minus the frequent urination and loss of appetite.

07-03-2012, 08:24 AM
I don't generally have the long progression like you have outlined.

For me its more like have a symptom, such as a pain, then notice it, start to worry what it is, then notice that my heart rate is up, then start to worry about why my heart is beating fast, then it goes from there.

One thing, that may sound odd to anyone else but I have found to be a great help to me is to look at the anxiety attack as a challenging event, when you feel it coming get the attitude of " cmon anxiety, lets do this, what do you have?" look at it like an opponent in a boxing match, one that you are going to beat the crap out of!

You call anxiety the monster, its not a monster it is a sheep, we are wolves. Anxiety is only a monster if you allow it to be.

For me, this way of looking at it helps a ton. If I have the fighters attitude or simply say, ok im having an anxiety attack, so what, its not going to hurt me! Then it relieves if not completely stops the attack, and I feel much better. Don't let this stuff bully you, you are alot tougher than anxiety.

07-04-2012, 01:30 AM
I can't relate to most of those to be honest. I don't get any symptoms relating to head or vision.

The "tunnel effect" is an interesting one, however. I think this is probably more of a moment of being taken away from reality as you enter fight/flight mode. A sudden (innapropriate) scare... maybe caused by a symptom (e.g. pain) or just a horrid thought (either conscious or sub)

Like... "What the f*ck was that?"... ut ohhh... and there the cycle begins.

How the following moments are dealt with are key to either success or failure in keeping the attack at bay.

I'm now able to prevent full blown attacks, but I still get symptoms which USED to cause them.

It all seems to happen in the background now. The same as it ever was but more of a background event, somewhat suppressed by the knowledge and experience I have gained with this hideous disorder.

I still feel the a build up of adrenalin... kind like being intravenously fed with acid. My chest will still tighten and sometimes my heart will react.
BUT... I can deal with it and it eventually subsides... until next time.

07-04-2012, 07:17 AM
All of a sudden a thought will pop into my head. Rational fear, irrational fear, it doesn't matter. If I don't do something to stop it, then full blown anxiety, and eventually panic occurs.

I get a tingling feeling in my shoulders and the base of my neck. It feels like... I don't know how to describe it other than....if your foot falls asleep, it starts to tingle and feel heavy?

I seem to get the tunnel vision you describe. I can't see anything around me... just what's directly in front of me, and try as I might, the only thing that pops into my head is whatever thought is bothering me.

I begin to feel ill. My stomach will hurt, pain almost as though I am hungry, but if I were to try and eat, I can't physically choke anything down. It becomes hard to swallow, even water.

I begin to hyperventilate and the pacing begins. I'll walk the same path, pacing back and forth, moving to windows to look out if I can (I don't know why I gravitate towards windows, but I do) and the urge to get the fuck out of wherever I am hits me.

I'll shake and tremble, and I begin to get the feeling of going insane or losing it. My heart is racing, I KNOW my blood pressures spikes to scary amounts. (I had a panic attack waiting on the doctor once, when she checked my vitals she had to give me medicine and make me lie down to drop my blood pressure)

If I reach full blown panic, I too can easily spend hours or days just sleeping things off. Usually though, the upset stomach will persist, as will the tingling in my shoulders and neck for several days. Keep in mind as well, for me, my symptoms maybe take all of 10 minutes max to hit me. It feels like a very quick build up.

07-04-2012, 05:37 PM
Velrose - very well described.

Your sentence:

> I seem to get the tunnel vision you describe. I can't see anything around me... just what's directly in front of me, and try as I might, the only thing that pops into my head is whatever thought is bothering me.

That's preoccupancy my friend.
The old grey matter has only ONE thing to concentrate on and that's the FEAR that started it all... in addition to the symptoms that are building up.

Ever been depressed? ever split from a partner and felt so down that life seemed pointless?
Well... same thing really. You just see what's in front. You pay no attention at what's beside or behind you because, well, you don't give a shit.


>I'll walk the same path, pacing back and forth, moving to windows to look out if I can (I don't know why I gravitate towards windows, but I do) and the urge to get the fuck out of wherever I am hits me.

That's FLIGHT mode. To us anxious folk, windows are seen as a way of escape. Outdoors is associated with freedom / space to breath.

Your panic process is SOOO text book!

One of these days you'll find the strength to rise above the initial symptoms. You'll KNOW what's happening and you'll be able to stop it.
Won't be long I reckon since you are fully comprehensive of the condition and the symptoms.

07-04-2012, 09:25 PM
Velrose - very well described.

Your sentence:

> I seem to get the tunnel vision you describe. I can't see anything around me... just what's directly in front of me, and try as I might, the only thing that pops into my head is whatever thought is bothering me.

That's preoccupancy my friend.
The old grey matter has only ONE thing to concentrate on and that's the FEAR that started it all... in addition to the symptoms that are building up.

Ever been depressed? ever split from a partner and felt so down that life seemed pointless?
Well... same thing really. You just see what's in front. You pay no attention at what's beside or behind you because, well, you don't give a shit.


>I'll walk the same path, pacing back and forth, moving to windows to look out if I can (I don't know why I gravitate towards windows, but I do) and the urge to get the fuck out of wherever I am hits me.

That's FLIGHT mode. To us anxious folk, windows are seen as a way of escape. Outdoors is associated with freedom / space to breath.

Your panic process is SOOO text book!

One of these days you'll find the strength to rise above the initial symptoms. You'll KNOW what's happening and you'll be able to stop it.
Won't be long I reckon since you are fully comprehensive of the condition and the symptoms.

Heh, I've actually been doing pretty well in the last few weeks. I haven't had a full blown panic attack in about three weeks now, and my anxiety levels are...well... I feel like the normal me again. I've got a few things I say to myself to stop the thoughts that pop into my head. It's pretty cheesy, but it works for me. I actually talk to the thought. I sit down, and outloud say a stern,"Wait!" followed by (usually in my head) "Hello intrusive thought...I don't need you here right now. I deserve to have joy, peace and happiness, and YOU are not providing this." I might have to repeat this 10 or 20 times, but it serves as a distraction from the thought, AND it is a form of positive thinking for myself.

Another thing that's helped me immensely is an attitude change. I can't fix the world outside. I can't stop violence in the world, I can't control what everyone outside does, BUT I can control the environment in my own home and surrounding me. I've adapted a "fake it until I make it," attitude. I've FAKED (yes.. FAKED) being positive even during my worst times. I threw myself into caring for my husband and daughter and showing them how much I love and appreciate them. For the first week or so, it was really hard, but honestly, I feel SO good now, I see the world differently. Everyone around me says too that they can see a change in my attitude. I'm not as moody as I used to be. I'm also not as quick to anger and frustration any more. I feel pretty damned good. Occasionally, the little twitch of anxiety pops itself into my head and I start feeling my beginning symptoms, but I've been fairly successful in halting the thought processes that send me into a full blown panic. :3

07-04-2012, 11:19 PM
I start out the exact same way. From what ive read the brain fog and weirdness youve described, its call depersonalization and derealization. My anxiety first begins with the tunnel vision. If i look at my hand in front of me its the only thing i can see clearly. Imagine a camera taking a photo...the object the lens focuses on is crystal clear while the rest of the photo js blurry. This is how my vision is. I cant stop this sensation no matter what. I strain my eyes from trying to see everything clearly. I also cant concentrate, having conversations with any meaning are impossible i forget my thoughts midsentence. Then nothing looks real. I get so scared that i cant leave my house. I get butterflies in my stomach, arms and legs. Pee alot. Shit alot. Racing heart of course. Feels like im stoned on bud, i even get racing thoughts sometimes like im high. I also get sensitivity to sound and light. Things look brighter and noises startle me easily. This is jus your body being on high alert for survival.

It immobilizes me. I pause frequently and just stare off into space. Then i snap myself out of it. Luckily ive been doing better lately. It really does pass in time.

Lack of sleep makes it worse for me definitely, so i always make sure to get a good nights rest. All your symptoms are normal for anxiety. It sucks!

07-05-2012, 01:16 AM
> Pee alot. Shit alot

pmsl!! nothing wrong with a good clear out :D

It's great to read some posts of recovery.

It's also reassuring to read others that have suffered so eerily similar to me. Reassurance that will hopefully help others too.

Hip-hip... Hoorahh!

Serenity 7
07-05-2012, 03:52 AM
brain fog.that the word that best descibes it.i found that hard to explain that to people.sweating.i hate that.the water pores of me.and the lack on consentration.

07-05-2012, 09:44 AM
I begin to hyperventilate and the pacing begins. I'll walk the same path, pacing back and forth, moving to windows to look out if I can (I don't know why I gravitate towards windows, but I do) and the urge to get the fuck out of wherever I am hits me.

Hi Velrose,

I left this one out, it's so funny LOL. As I was reading your reply I said yes I do that too! I've always assumed that I do this as a way to kinda... walk it off... before the other symptoms start and it gets worse. Also looking out the window is my way of trying to look around and concentrate on something else other than the situation I'm in. In a way another described it as "fight or flight" that could actually be part of whats happening here too, although our homes are our safe zones when we start feeling anxiety coming it could be looking to get out just as you would if you were in a public place. If that make sense?

Thanks for the good replies everyone, makes us think / understand more of whats happening to us and why. The more we understand the better equipped we'll be to deal with it.

07-05-2012, 09:51 AM
[QUOTE=hopeNfaith88;50461] I pause frequently and just stare off into space. Then i snap myself out of it. Luckily ive been doing better lately. QUOTE]


I do this also. I catch myself starting to stare and then snap myself out of it before I start thinking / daydreaming irrationally which can lead to the other symptoms.

07-05-2012, 09:57 AM
brain fog.that the word that best descibes it.i found that hard to explain that to people.sweating.i hate that.the water pores of me.and the lack on consentration.

Like I said in my original post, This is the one that ALMOST ALWAYS starts it for me. Almost feels like my brain short circuits at times. Heavy feeling in head / pressure? and Brain Pain, temple areas and back/base of skull, but sometime it feels like its coming from within the center part of the brain itself.

07-05-2012, 02:39 PM
I get the exact same feelings. This is just how my anxiety manifests. Mine starts with "brain fog" and the inability to concentrate. Then comes the fluttering tummy...however...I've been noticing (with help of Lexapro and therapy) that I can note those feelings and staunch anxiety in its tracks if I make a conserted effort to change my line of thinking and distract myself. I try to bless and release my feelings....acknowledge them and let them pass. Your post is exactly what I went/go through. A big part of managing anxiety for me is recognizing how I feel, accepting it, not judging it, and trying to stave off the attack. It's still tough...but I'm practicing!

Thanks for the post!

07-05-2012, 03:06 PM
I'm so glad I found this forum.

Most of my symptoms are exactly the same as what ATOMS described.

A little background:
I had my first panic attack in 2008.
I had no idea what I was dealing with.
I was enroute to work while on the bus, and all of the sudden, came on so very suddenly, I thought I was going to die.
The panic attack lasted about 10-15 minutes and when I finally could pull myself together, I was in shock.
And happened more frequently since then.
Until in 2011, the attacks took control of my life, and I was even having trouble going to sleep and waking up in the morning. Every morning was a struggle.

In mid 2011, everything else started happening:

Again, started happening suddenly, I started to stare into space without reasons. My boyfriend thought it was strange at first, and then he started catching me doing it and trying to snap me out of it.
I didn't know what was going on. I thought I was just tired or overly exhausted. Often, I felt dizzy and out of it, and the brain fog.
And I was having alot of trouble hearing what my boyfriend was saying to me. This would last about 10 minutes to 30 minutes, and then the leaky faucet will follow.

I call this episode leaky faucet, because i'd have uncontrollable emotional out pour, like something tragic happened. I could not control myself, and I'd curl up and sob like it was the end of the world.
This will last about 30 minutes to 1 hour or even more, to the point my eyes were so dried up and swollen, I could barely open my eyes.

The first few times this happened, I was usually in the shower. And then started happening when I was going to sleep. And then when I woke up. And all of the sudden, even when I was at work.
Soon, I started hiding myself in the washroom alot. Both at work and at home. My boyfriend had to "rescue" me from the washroom a few times, and tried to calm me down.
And the panic attacks were so constant, I was also dealing with migraines everyday.

I've been in therapy the last 6 months. Trying to identify my triggers and monitor and observe myself before these attacks would start.

I have been able to manage a little but I can't say I'm even 40% better. I want my life back.

07-05-2012, 03:15 PM
I get the exact same feelings. This is just how my anxiety manifests. Mine starts with "brain fog" and the inability to concentrate. Then comes the fluttering tummy...however...I've been noticing (with help of Lexapro and therapy) that I can note those feelings and staunch anxiety in its tracks if I make a conserted effort to change my line of thinking and distract myself. I try to bless and release my feelings....acknowledge them and let them pass. Your post is exactly what I went/go through. A big part of managing anxiety for me is recognizing how I feel, accepting it, not judging it, and trying to stave off the attack. It's still tough...but I'm practicing!

Thanks for the post!

Miss Elizabeth, I agree. I was struggling and torturing myself for 6 months about not working. I've been on sick leave and I was so angry about it. It's like everything in life was going along well enough, and all of the sudden, I was pushed over or dragged down like this, beyond my control almost. I was feeling so useless, and I was hating myself so badly.
And a month ago, I recognized that I just needed a break from work, and accepted that I am not working and stopped thinking to myself "bad me" and I'm starting to feel "lifted".
My attacks are coming on and I'm feeling i'm prepared, unlike before, the attacks seemed sneaky.
Does this make sense to anyone?

Serenity 7
07-05-2012, 05:35 PM
omghm,i know exactly how you feel.i have been of my work for about the same time.i was beating myself up about it.in the 15 years at my work.i have only had a few days of.until now.i so want to gon back.and i have been in visting my work and facing the fear.and it seems to be working.i caN NOW SLIGHTLY CONTROL the panic when it starts.gonna go back to work on a fazed return,wish me luck.and like you i think my brain just needed a break from it.my brain was burnt out