View Full Version : Trying to relax

07-02-2012, 03:42 PM
Heyyy everyone I was just wondering if anyone had some tips on how to relax and calm your nerves.

07-02-2012, 04:17 PM
Distraction distraction distraction ! Do you have any hobbies ? Maybe classical music ?

07-02-2012, 07:37 PM
Heyyy everyone I was just wondering if anyone had some tips on how to relax and calm your nerves.

I know a breathing technique that calms me down. You breath in slowly for 8 seconds and then hold that breath for 4 seconds and release slowly for 8 seconds. Do this a couple times.
Try listening to music.
I usually listen to Iron Maiden when im bored and sad. Mastodon or Metallica when im stressed or angry. Ill listen to jazz when i need to sleep. Jazz is mellow music.

07-02-2012, 08:48 PM
I like to write a letter (how old fashioned) or an email - strictly personal, no work related stuff allowed! Or I make a journal entry.

I also crochet (seriously, I'm not a Nanna), it's really easy and keeps my hands busy. This works when I can't sit still and feel like I need to climb a wall. I'm making the most epic blanket ever! I also like to draw and paint, which can keep me busy for hours.

If I'm feeling antsy and have that adrenaline overload, I know that going for an interval run (walk 5 minutes for a warm up then jog for a minute, walk for 3 minutes and repeat, working up your jogging time over time!) really helps me burn off that extra adrenaline. Anyone with any level of fitness can do this. It also releases endorphins and makes me feel really positive after I have done it! I actually find that interval running 3-4 times a week with the company of my lovely puppy keeps the jitters at bay.

Playing with pets or kids (if you have access to some) really makes me forget all about anxiety and feeling weird. They are so precious!!

07-02-2012, 08:58 PM
Thank you for yawls advise and help :) I will really have to try them out. I tried the writing thing before and it helped but I don't I just didn't stick with it.

07-23-2012, 05:45 PM
Thank you for yawls advise and help :) I will really have to try them out. I tried the writing thing before and it helped but I don't I just didn't stick with it.

My screen name is luckydog for a reason.we rescued her 10 years ago. She's my partner in crime...she rides shotgun when we make drive through trips...they know her everywhere. I don't know what I'd do if she didn't own me. She calms me, and guards me. Heaven help my bf if he tries to get near me when I'm sick. And journaling is good too. But I don't anymore....nosy bf.

07-23-2012, 05:48 PM
My screen name is luckydog for a reason.we rescued her 10 years ago. She's my partner in crime...she rides shotgun when we make drive through trips...they know her everywhere. I don't know what I'd do if she didn't own me. She calms me, and guards me. Heaven help my bf if he tries to get near me when I'm sick. And journaling is good too. But I don't anymore....nosy bf.

You might want to try a yoga or Tai Chi DVD too...both teach you to control your breathing.

07-23-2012, 09:44 PM
Thank u for the suggestions I will really have to try them

07-24-2012, 01:16 AM
When im really tensed and anxious, i do a few different things:

Come on here and read other peoples troubles and reply help for them (gives me a rewarding feeling)

Talk to my mom (or anyone else who genuinely cares about me) and tell her my problems just to be comforted. Just telling someone what is bothering you feels great. Sometimes i just bitch at my mom: "ugh, i feel incredibly anxious today. My heart wont stop racing and i feel like the world just doesnt look right to me. Im going to be ok, right?" and she tells me yes and talks me thru it.

Go somewhere private and have a good cry

Pet my dog and let him lay in my lap, or cuddle with him in bed. Sometimes i even talk to him and tell him how im feeling. He keeps all my secrets!

Drink a serving of natural calm magnesium drink mix. Has made me feel loads better.

Drink a glass of icewater

Eat my favorite kind of candy

Go for a walk/swim

Soak my feet in a bucket of water

Take A xanax when all the above fails

07-24-2012, 06:15 AM
I crochet too. My grandma taught me when I was 13. So I have been 'hooking' as my mom calls it for 23 years. It is extremely calming for me...get lost in the count. I'm not a grandma yet...my oldest is 18. And hopefully it will be a few years yet! LOL Mom knits and tried to teach me...epic fail. I am too set in how I hold my yarn.

08-19-2012, 11:42 PM
From my point of view, Do some yoga and relax your mind.