View Full Version : Dont know how much more i can take

07-02-2012, 02:34 PM
Hi everyone- I'm new here so please bare with me, not too sure what to do with myself anymore
.been getting panic attacks for a couple of years now apparently bought on by a huge hernia I've been left with since childbirth- up until about 6 mths ago they were few and far between and then daily like that's not bad enough now I've got hypercondria (not sure if I've spelt that right) not helped by allergies - every tablet I take any thing new I eat I'm allergic to!! It's driving me nuts!! And then comes the paranoia I carry my kettle round the house with me thinking someone's going to contaminate it!!
Not too sure where to go from here- I've refused medications from docs as my mum and my sister were on them and they really haven't been the same since- in waiting for therapy but I seem to be getting worse daily

07-03-2012, 01:16 AM
Jeez... you've got it bad girl!

(But there's hope already - since at least you recognise you are behaving irrationally)

The therapy should sort you out more so than any medication, but medication should be used for emergencies and does work wonders... if you allow it.

Can I ask... are you still with your partner or have you split? I mean... are you on your own?
Does he understand / help you?

Sorry, but the kettle thing is kinda funny. I've got visions of you hugging it and looking anxiously over your shoulders for possible contaminators :-D

Seriously... therapy is going to be your key to recovery. Cognetive therapy in particular will change the way you think.

07-03-2012, 08:17 AM
Hi thanks for your response
Yes I'm still with my husband but he really doesn't understand- he said I'm off my head, and screams and shouts when I wanna go docs with new symptoms to make sure I haven't gotta terminal illness
Yes I know the kettle things funny but if I don't carry it around I won't use it and end up down tescos buying a new one! My kids think I've lost it too they think the kettle things hilarious - trouble is its moving on to the milk now started having black tea as fed up of buying milk
Scared stiff of medications think I'm going to get anaphelectic shock - wont even touch a paracetamol and I know I'm near breaking point with it- family not interested- doc not interested