View Full Version : One day to go :(
07-02-2012, 01:21 PM
One day, just one day and I have to fly alone. I'm absolutely crapping myself, sick of feeling all super duper then having a shit storm whirl in my head. Tomorrow will be a bad day as its the day before so I've left everything to the last minute so I'm so busy I can't think about it.
07-02-2012, 01:31 PM
Do you have a benzo?
I would HIGHLY recommend it. I don't know if you have a psychiatrist or can run to an urgent care clinic, but I'd DEFINITELY try and get a small dose of a benzo. Just 1mg of Ativan allows me to fly with no worries at all (and I HATE flying). Only side effect is a little sleepiness, which is nice for a flight!
07-03-2012, 02:02 AM
I have a few Valium which are 2mg to take with me. Last time I had to take 4 just to get through. Doesn't settle well on my stomach all these nerves.
07-03-2012, 05:31 AM
I picked up my 5mg Valium script today.
I'll be taking 2-3 to get me through my flight in just under 36 hours.
I'll be thinking about you hon. Be strong. Take lots of things to distract you - magazines, books, ANYTHING.
If the worst does happen then just go with the panic. It's irrational fear that can't and won't hurt you. Tell a steward that you are struggling as well - there's no shame in it and they are all first aid trained.
Good luck. Just thing of how awesome you're going to feel when you get to your destination!!
07-05-2012, 06:40 AM
I only went and bloody did it lol it was a 14hr travel day with the car and flight etc and I got away with taking 4-2mg Valium which I felt good about and the flight was a genuine breeeeze.
Hope your flight goes okay for you hun, will be thinking of you and let me know how ya got on :)
07-05-2012, 07:49 PM
Aside from a major meltdown in the airport, I went ok on the flight.
Everything has just been soooo stressful in the lead up to this holidays with my partner being (making himself) sick prior to our departure and barely being able to make it to the airport. I tried to make him go home and he wouldn't.
Just before we boarded I just shut down. I had about 2 hours sleep on 5mg Valium the night before and was so stressed out. I just wanted to go back home to my cats and safety zone. I was crying an shaking - it wasn't a panic attack, just a complete toddler style melt down. So embarrassing.
In comparison, the flight was ok - after 15mg Valium I even managed to get a sleep on the plane.
I just wish my partner would come to the party. He made it here, but has literally slept the whole time and has only had some Powerade to drink. He's been sleeping the whole time and he thinks my whole family hates his guts.
I just wanted a nice holiday!!
07-05-2012, 10:06 PM
That sounds beyond frustrating Hun. I feel your pain, after landing here and the stress if it all I was thrust into a family argument :) fun times eh.
Your on holiday, you got there and that's awesome so despite what may be going on around you, you deserve to have the holiday you want!! Hopefully the family can put aside differences for your sake :)
07-07-2012, 05:07 AM
I ended up having to send my partner home.
Highly expensive waste of time! Highly upsetting experience, which has probably ensured that my folks and my partner will now NEVER get along. EVER.
Just going to try and enjoy my birthday and the next 4 days here. Ironically, I'm not even worried about the flight home now :S
07-07-2012, 06:43 AM
Posted you the worlds longest post lol in a different bit :) I really hope you enjoy your birthday hun.
When you get home I think he deserves a shit storm!! :) lol x
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