View Full Version : Alcohol

07-02-2012, 06:38 AM
Hey guys,

So I know this is an exhausted subject at this point. But Saturday I had quite a bit to drink, and I hate drinking because of the anxiety I get the next day. So it's now two days later and I am super anxious. I was doing so well with my anxiety issues and have had minimal anxiety for a couple of months now. But all of a sudden a night of partying, and I'm back to square one. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you overcome it? And advice would help.



07-02-2012, 07:23 AM
Is it a bird? is it a plane?



Sorry, couldn't help picking up on that one ;-)

At least you understand that hangovers can cause anxiety.

The cure, I'm affraid, is probably that you should give up drink for the time being? (I knowwwwww... bummer huh?)

We (anxious folk) have to accept our hyper sensitivity to such things and make some compromises.

It's not all bad news though... at least you'll save cash / sleep better / be more healthy / have less embarassing pics on facebook?

07-02-2012, 10:22 AM
The obvious answer is,don't drink. Lol. Seriously though,drinking and drugs(if you do any) do nothing but make anxiety worse. I used to drink and never do now because of my anxiety. Keep your head clear

07-02-2012, 01:44 PM
I am like Brittany and don't drink now. I used to binge drink at the weekends and would end up with awful hangovers and anxiety that lasted for days. I haven't been drunk in about 2 years now and I don't miss booze at all. I can still have a great night out without alcohol and i am no longer wasting days because of hangovers and after effects from booze.

07-03-2012, 09:02 AM
I am like Brittany and don't drink now. I used to binge drink at the weekends and would end up with awful hangovers and anxiety that lasted for days. I haven't been drunk in about 2 years now and I don't miss booze at all. I can still have a great night out without alcohol and i am no longer wasting days because of hangovers and after effects from booze.

I don't miss it either!! I'm glad I'm sober,there really isn't any benefits to drinking. Stupid decisions,hangovers,weight gain...not worth it!!!

07-03-2012, 09:11 AM
Yeah this is the first time I have drank a lot in a long time. I have just noticed that I regret it every single time. It really isn't worth doing if I'm miserable for days following being drunk. Thank you guys for answering.

07-03-2012, 10:01 AM
I stopped drinking when anxiety hit hard. My anxiety stems from a bad marijuana experience, so being far from sober can be anxiety provoking, even though it's alcohol. When I started lexapro I found I can only have 1-2 beers. Any more and I feel a mix of drunkedness and anxiety.

07-04-2012, 09:06 AM
My problem I've noticed also, is that after I drink, I have constant anxiety and effects from it even days later. Today is day 3 after drinking and I feel exhausted even thought I slept.

07-04-2012, 09:26 AM
Alcohol causes me to be very anxious for a good 48 hours after drinking . I have had to knock alcohol on the head .

07-04-2012, 05:14 PM

When I first developed A/D (and didn't understand it) some 7 months back, I was SOOO hideously wrapped up in my own pittiful world that drinking was the last thing on my mind. So, the fact that I thought I was going to have a heart attack at any moment - drinking was not even a remote thought.

The weeks and months went by, and thanks to a few doctors vistis, a handful of cognetive therapy sessions and the odd Diazepam... I gradually regained
some of who I was before all this shit occured.
Drinking S L O W L Y and cautiously came back into the picture. Some nights out were anxiety free, some weren't, but what was guaranteed was that the next day hangover would surely be a challenge.

My worst panic attack occured with a hangover. The down, shitty feeling was a sure trigger and I shall never forget that day (around end of March) where the panic drive to my parents house was one if not THE worst 10 minutes of my life.
The fear I felt was beyond description, my chest was SO tight and painful and my heart was beating SO hard it was practically playing a percussion on my rib cage.
As far as I was concerned I had minutes to live. I thought I was gonna die in my car. Just pull over and die, there and then... not even enough time to say goodbye to my parents.

Needless to say I didn't die. It WAS just a panic attack... well, I say JUST.

Heed my words: Be VERY careful with alcohol when suffering anxiety. Even better... just don't drink at all.

And now?

Well, I'm getting there and I am back to enjoying a night out without too much worry of the following day.

In fact, enough alcohol during the night completely suppresses ALL my anxiety. I'm so calm, drunk & silly - it's awesome.
I'm just how I used to be.
Hangovers however still need to be treated with caution and I prefer to have people around... just in case.

07-05-2012, 09:04 AM
Alcohol gives me A LOT of anxiety. I'm recovering from a bad relapse and have quit drinking completely. However...when I am 100% myself, I stick with 1 or 2 drinks and THAT'S IT. I have lots and lots of anxiety if I have a hangover.