View Full Version : Feel like im dying...

07-02-2012, 12:36 AM
My whole entree face feels weird. My ears don't burn, but they tingle. My temples have an odd feeling. Im sick to my stomach. My jaw hurts. My throat is starting to hurt. I made myself throw up to feel better. Didn't help. My right arm hurts. But mostly my face and jaw. The sides of my face, my checks, are hot...

I can't let go of the feeling that if I try to go to sleep I will not wake up. A feeling that I've been having the past few nights. I finally go to sleep once the sun comes up. As if I feel safer. I don't trust my own body to wake up.

I'm really scared right now and I can't wake my boyfriend up because he has work in the morning. Plus, he makes me feel better but doesn't at the same time if that makes sense. He doesn't understand that this isn't going away. That I can't just shut this off. As soon as I get the all clear regarding one symptom, new ones emerge. And I don't know what to believe. If all of it is real or just a manifestation of my anxieties. I had a really great night. Didn't touch my jaw as much to check it. My groin wasn't burning. Legs weren't bothering me etc.

I did have pork belly buns and 2 iced tea...sometimes Asian food makes me panic. And having tea, which is caffeinated was a bad idea. Thought I was strong enough. I actually said, should I be eating this? But me and my boyfriend decided that it probably didn't have MSG in it. Its the takeout that's bad, not in a restaurant.

I want to feel normal again so so badly.