View Full Version : Constant obsessive thoughts about a certain symptom

06-30-2012, 07:53 PM
So does anyone have like a worry about a symptom they have and constantly worry about it? I'm afraid of being unreal which makes me obsess about it and pretty soon it really does make me feel unreal..... Everytime I get up and walk around I freak myself out by believing I am unreal and it turned into constant fearfulness and depression...I don't feel the pleasure and happiness for things as I used to ever since I had an experience of dp. Does anybody have any advice? I know that I'm being irrational but I can't stop thinking about this stupid obsession....

06-30-2012, 10:51 PM
I am absolutely obsessed with my skin. I constantly look in the mirror and take pictures of myself to see how my face looks. It's horrible. I hate having skin issues. And yes...my life has completely changed (down hill) with skim issues. Fuckin sucks and I just want to be normal again.

06-30-2012, 11:21 PM
I hate it how one obsession can take over your life...... I used to be freaked out by my heart, then my lungs, weird but normal feelings, and hundreds more..... This one is possibly the strongest

06-30-2012, 11:29 PM
I've recently been obsessed with my jaw bone. Noticed one side is shaped differently. Keep feeling it. Rubbing my face. Making it hurt badly then confusing that hurt with something being wrong. Everytime I get the all clear with one ache or pain, a new one materializes. This new one has been the past 2 days. So this is completely normal. You're not alone with this.

07-01-2012, 12:58 AM
My obsessions usually last months to a year... The more you over think, the stronger the fear and out of control worry gets. :( how do I stop?

Long Haired Rob
07-01-2012, 02:05 AM
I have the same obsession of unrealness? If that's even a word !! Aha but yeah I agree there is always one major obsession that at some point we lose control over thinking about it , I have done it so much now , I find myself asking google how to come back to reality ?? It really does suck!!

07-01-2012, 06:08 AM
I do the same thing about symptoms. I think and think about them until I convince myself I have something deadly.. scares me often. I'm working with a therapist and psychiatrist - acupuncture .. you name it, I'm trying it.

07-01-2012, 07:04 AM
I do the same thing. I have been consumed by the fact that it feels like I can't breathe 24/7. I have been to er 6 times, 2 PCP's, therapist who all say it is anxiety, yet I am constantly googling what it could be. it is horrible......why do I do this to myself? why does my mind get so fearful and put irrational thoughts in my head?

07-01-2012, 08:07 AM
> why does my mind get so fearful and put irrational thoughts in my head?


You've convinced yourself that you are ill (can't breathe) & your brain can think of nothing else. I bet you've thought it a hundred, if not a thousand times, right?
You keep telling yourself that and you'll continue to believe it!

Somehow, you've gotta STOP those thoughts and as soon as you do... all will be good again.

The answer is simple, it's getting there that's the problem, lol

07-01-2012, 05:26 PM
I have the same obsession of unrealness? If that's even a word !! Aha but yeah I agree there is always one major obsession that at some point we lose control over thinking about it , I have done it so much now , I find myself asking google how to come back to reality ?? It really does suck!!

Finally somebody who relates with me.... I hate this :( do you ever feel the world is negative and scary where when u didn't have this problem everything was positive?

07-03-2012, 09:09 AM
Finally somebody who relates with me.... I hate this :( do you ever feel the world is negative and scary where when u didn't have this problem everything was positive?
I can completely relate to this too. This happens when you either have had a prolonged period of high anxiety or you are depressed. Your mind is exhausted. What you need to do,is stay busy. Then you don't have the time to be so anxious. If you are sitting around all day you have all the time in the world to worry about meaningless things. Also,make it a habit to think positive. If you try enough,it will start to become something you do without thinking.

07-04-2012, 05:21 AM
I can also sort of relate to this. But i am suffering from dp/dr. Try and keep busy and not worry about it. Easier said than done unfortunately.

Long Haired Rob
07-04-2012, 08:46 AM
Finally somebody who relates with me.... I hate this :( do you ever feel the world is negative and scary where when u didn't have this problem everything was positive?

I get it real bad sometimes where I think I'm re living my own memories almost like a constant déjàvu which Is mental as I tend to be distant to everyone I meet ! And yeah it does make it worse buy thinking how much thinks have changed :(