View Full Version : Anyone Heart Fear?!

06-30-2012, 07:49 PM
Can anyone describe there heart fear for me? It's ruining my life. Just want to talk to others the same as me. :-(

06-30-2012, 08:29 PM
Well, I have a pain in my chest alot of times I think that I have costochondritis, really this is what started all of my anxiety problems.

I sometimes get a tight feeling, sometimes its sharp, others its dull, it has no pattern, sometimes it hurts sometimes it doesn't, I feel short of breath from time to time. I worry like crazy about it when it happens, I will feel every little thing, I will feel my heart race because im worrying about it. It really bothers me and I have to convince myself over and over that its not my heart. Its tough to deal with, but I just have to force myself to believe the doctor when they tell me nothing is wrong with my heart.

06-30-2012, 08:41 PM
I also have pains in my heart or left breast. I get very scared thinking i am going to have a heart attack but then i have to remind myself that i have been checked out by a cardiologist and that I have felt this pain a thousand times and it has not hurt me yet. That it is anxiety! I know it is frightening.....I have so many physical symptoms with my anxiety. I have felt like I can not breathe for 5 weeks now. So I totally understand the fear and worry that comes with it all.

07-01-2012, 04:30 PM
Thank you. It's some what soothing to know I'm not alone. I am going to just believe in my heart and my body and try get over this once and for all!

07-01-2012, 05:03 PM
I feel chest tightness often. sometimes i've woken myself up because of it. my mom has a heart murmur which causes palpitations, and i'm always scared i have one as well. my heart has been monitored before, after complaining from chest pains, and of course nothing was wrong. i get sudden sharp pains, or a constant dull pain, and sometimes it even takes my breath away. when i'm balanced i know nothing is wrong, but i definitely could've have sworn i was having a heart attack quite a few times.

07-01-2012, 05:37 PM
yes, absolutely!! i have an obsession with my heart. i am constantly checking my blood pressure, my pulse, i feel my heart beat hard and feel it up against my shirt. I have done numerous of test including cardiac cath, echos, ekgs, x-rays blood tests and much more. doctors can't find anything wrong and they said that my heart is in great condition. I feel as if they might have missed something and I have an underlying heart condition that the doctors have missed. It is driving me crazy, but at some point I have to stop worrying and begin trusting that my team of doctors are correct and that they know exactly what they are doing. They all tell me that I have extreme anxiety and panic disorder. When I had my first panic attack in novemember of 2011, I came back from lunch and wasn't feeling that great. I decided to go online and look at some of the symptoms that i was having and up came heart attack. I had to leave and as I was walking to the restroom, I had those same symptoms that were listed online and one of the scariest feelings I have ever experienced. It felt as if an invisible hand went through my chest and started squeezing my heart, followed by tingling on the left arm, shooting pains up my jaw and down my leg (tingling sensations), I have not been the same since, although I have gotten better due to eating better and seeing a psychologist, I am not feeling 100% yet, but am getting there. I still feel, at times, that the doctors did miss something, how can something that feels exactly like a heart attack be contributed by your head? It is really hard to come to terms with

07-02-2012, 04:55 AM
> how can something that feels exactly like a heart attack be contributed by your head?

VERY EASILY, actually.

Clearly you're not understanding the fight or flight mode that you must have heard of?

Ever been in a NEAR car crash? ever felt the fear in a plane as it rocks & bobs about, 30,000 ft up in the air as it hits bad turbulence?

THIS is exactly the fear that is showing it's ugly, bastard face when you feel a panic coming on.
(Innappropriate and seemingly for no reason... but identical fear all the same)

Think about how you feel in these circumstances and compare them to your anxiety. I suggest they're pretty similar.

Our brain NORMALLY processes danger in 3 steps (in order):

1/ See the danger
2/ rationalise with it
3/ take action

Two separte issues are going on with us anxious folk. One; the fear is self triggered (by a bad thought)
and two; step 2) (rationalise) is skipped! (missed out altogether)

The result?

Danger (self triggered fear) ==> take action (panic)

09-02-2012, 04:49 PM
I struggle too and am still at times baffled by the fact that the feelings are soo similiar to what have studied about heart attacks (I have a family history of heart disease). Yes, I know about the "fight or flight" response and I realize that is what it is but part of me still doubts it. I have gotten the all clear from my DR concerning my heart. It is a tough mental battle all the same.

09-02-2012, 10:45 PM
Ditto. That is where my anxiety stems from. I find it hard to sleep because I am ALWAYS trying to feel my heartbeat. It's extremely hard to deal with and most people just don't understand. Just ALWAYS REMEMBER, if there was anything wrong with your heart, and you have had an EKG and blood tests, and your doctor says your fine, you really are, if there was anything wrong, they would have noticed. Feels good to know I'm not so alone in this

09-02-2012, 10:59 PM
I get heart palps I'm 30 I've had 2 eeg's bloodwork etc all normal. Still it consumes me. I take a beta blocker now to apparently lower my adrenaline. I'm constantly monitoring my heartbeat. I'm afraid to excercise and I'm scared when I stop the blockers the palps will come back to haunt me. I'm so sick of this

09-03-2012, 08:06 AM
I feel the same my heart palps alot I'm always checking my pulse my heart skips beats I have also seen a cardio it's been a few years but i have had ultrasounds monitors ekgs I feel like I am crazy I cut out coffee which helps somewhat I feel worse at work so now I dread going but I can't quit my job I just feel like crying all the time I need help o and I just recently had blood work all wAs fine even cholesterol

09-03-2012, 08:19 AM
Hi new here. I constantly check my heart beat. Suppose to be getting an ecg but havnt heard back. I get random palps which doctor says normal. 90% of my anxiety is my heart atm. Its scaring the shit out of me... :(*

09-03-2012, 09:21 AM
I'm exactly the same as you flukey. See my heart attack fear thread I posted earlier thus morning. It's rubbish isn't it!!??

09-03-2012, 09:41 AM
I also have pains in my heart or left breast.

I have the same issue. sometimes when my heart is beating too slow, i get a little panicky. leading me to check for pulse, leading to every other thing. but the pain on my left chest area is unprovoked, it just comes and goes as and when it like. i did get it checked, doc says its normal. one thing that is most worrying is the jumping heartbeat, its like, heart beats normal, boom boom boom, then goes, boom boom boom BOOM boom boom BOOM. this felt sometimes as if my heart wanna jump out of my body.

09-03-2012, 02:05 PM
Yeah I'm freaked out by HA as well. I'm convinced I'm going to die from a heart attack any day. I've been checked out...two years ago...

Now I just focus on being healthy. Meditation and prayer, exercise , diet, sleep, and if I keel over, I just do...what can I do about it?

So, just accept and move on with life


09-03-2012, 04:06 PM

If you've been checked and all is fine then you can rest assured that your palps are absolutely a response to panic.

Excessive adrenalin & spurious nerve activity are both to blame for your heart to go dancing once in a while.

The electrical signals which fire your heart rhymn are briefly interrupted when a worry or anxiety pops out of nowhere & takes a second or so of priority in your brain.
Fear not, this is a transitional reaction and lasts for a few seconds at most.

You'll find that heart palps NEVER occur during pleasant distractions or absolute calm < here lies the key evidence.

Please read this:


09-08-2012, 06:53 AM
Thanks a bunch! that was really helpful!

Sassy Girl
09-08-2012, 03:54 PM
I have high blood pressure at the moment (I normally have low or normal blood pressure). I was warned by our local health service that if the diastolic goes over 120 to ring an ambulance. Now I freak out if it goes over 100 as that is means it's on the rise for me. One night recently it went to 134. I didn't ring an ambulance as I was worried that the ambulance men would think I was wasting their time. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety which makes my blood pressure higher.

I've just read kmarie30's post. I could have written that almost word for word. I only get the heart palpitations when extremely anxious. All my test results so far have been normal (touchwood). I had an ultrasound on my renal section yesterday. Hopefully that will be ok as well. I'm on beta blockers which are helping but my blood pressure isn't perfect. I am petrified of taking new medication. My doctor put me on a Calcium channel blocker the other day as well as the beta blocker. The side effects weren't nice so I looked it up on Google. I found that beta blockers and Calcium channel blockers shouldn't be combined unless absolutely necessary and under close supervision. Some of the information I found about combining the two was downright scary so I stopped taking the Calcium channel blocker. I sick of constantly worrying about my health.