View Full Version : Holidays and anxiety

06-30-2012, 07:00 AM
Anyone else anything but excited for the summer, or for the prospect of travel?

Hmmm planes, heat, tropical disease, food poisoning, foreign language and public transport, sun stroke. Just to name a few of my fears, I could easily list pages :)

I mention it as I leave in three days for Canada alone!!! Eeeeeeeep

06-30-2012, 07:09 AM
Right there with ya sister.

I'm flying this coming Thursday. I'm trying not to think about it, but the past 3 out of 4 nights I have had plane nightmares!!

It's just a 4 hour flight, but still... I'm going to need a LOT of Valium.

But on the plus side - thing of how good we'll feel for forcing ourselves out of our comfort zones!

06-30-2012, 07:13 AM
Indeed :)

Mines 7.5hrs :( have had no anxiety for literally weeks but now everyday us a struggle again. Where you off to? But as you say when we've done it we would have accomplished something hard to cope with :)

06-30-2012, 08:51 AM
I'm not overkeen on flying at the best of times - let alone with over-active anxiety.

7.5 hours!!!!!!!!! OOOH... MYYYY... GOD... lol. Don't think I could do that at the moment, at least not conscious, lol.

I flew to disneyland, Paris (from UK) a couple months back. Only a 40 minute flight but enough to get me twitching.
I deliberately avoided meds as I wanted to face it head on, but gave in to a few vodka + cokes just to take that edge off :-)

Turbulance gets me going. I can't help but imagine the plane just suddenly dropping a few hundred feet - and the feeling in your guts that would cause.

I also nightmare about the plane going up & round in a backward loop, lol

Jeeez... that's it, I'm taking the train... haha

06-30-2012, 11:58 AM
Dude your supposed to make me feel better!! Not tell me I'm going to crash lol

I have many a Valium in my bag ready for the drive there, the airport, the plane and security on the other end haha :)

06-30-2012, 05:33 PM
I'm not flying anywhere this summer, but I flew out to Utah earlier this year and took 1 Xanax (.25) every 1.5 hours over the 6 hour flight. ended up with 1 mg of Xanax in my body and it took the edge off. I wish my doctor had just given me a script for 1 mg of Ativan, because that makes me all set for 8-10 hours.
I also have a bad clostrophobia, which makes flying suck a lot.

06-30-2012, 09:09 PM
I'm flying from the VERY cold bottom of Australia to the tropical North to celebrate my big 3-0!!

I'm going with my partner and my family - which is also a worry because my family and my partner don't really see eye to eye. This is making my fiancée really anxious, which is rubbing off on me already, four days before the departure!

If we all make it there together it's going to be a bloody miracle!! Let alone surviving the week. I'm just holding out on the ideas of warn weather, tropical drinks and the Great Barrier Reef!

07-01-2012, 07:54 AM
I haven't travelled on an airplane for almost ten years or been on holiday to a place that is more than about a 2 hour drive from where I live due to my anxiety about flight and also being too far away from home. It's crap because I really feel I am missing out on things. I have only had 2 or 3 really bad periods of anxiety over the years and the rest of the time I have been pretty much anxiety free. Yet I still refuse to go on planes and travel far away. It's good to see that you guys are making the effort to go on holidays/planes despite the fact you have anxiety- it gives me hope! My poor boyfriend is desperate for us to go on holiday abroad!

07-01-2012, 08:17 AM
I got to the point of saying 'screw this I am not letting it stop me from living' especially when the fear is of dying for me and I want to know that when I do I need to have lived as much as I could despite the fears. Im terrified, truly. But I need to be able to do this. I'm sure on the day I'll post 'oh my god I'm so scared' but when I get there it'll be 'hurrah I did it!!!' :)

07-01-2012, 10:29 AM
I'm just like you Amy!!

I'm literally dreading the flight. I'm having epic nightmares as the day gets closer!

But deep down i know its nothing I can't handle. I have had so many hundreds of panic attacks in various places - all of which I survived. So far none of them have been on a plane, so I'm just trying to push it out of my mind until something actually happens.

I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my birthday in my freezing, rainy hometown after the sh*thouse year I have had!

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. And if the plane goes down... Well I'm not scared of dying, I'll be sorely missed and on my headstone shall be inscribed 'she was right about the plane!'

07-01-2012, 12:27 PM
Don't know if it's morbid but your headstone made me chuckle.

2 days and I'll be flying, that's gonna be a bad day