View Full Version : Horrible pain

06-30-2012, 01:07 AM
M having horrible pain n my thigh. It's acting just like my arm has done before. Haven't done anything strenuous jus laying here n all of a sudden excruciating pain but no other symptoms. Can this be anxiety

06-30-2012, 01:13 AM
Anxiety can cause such a myriad of pains. Sometimes being stationary can also cause some pain, if I sit too long it often happens to me. Our bodies hurt from time to time. It happens. But easier said than done, I worry a lot about the same stuff. Try not to think about it!!! :)

06-30-2012, 01:13 AM
Pains caused by anxiety (adrenalin) shouldn't be THAT bad.
Anxiety pains are more annoying than anything... they shouldn't be crippling.

Possibly just cramp or pins+needles?

06-30-2012, 01:21 AM
All I know is it hurts n my thigh. It did it n my arm a week ago to where I couldn't move my arm it hurt so bad went to er n they gave me an anti anxiety med n it went away. I took have an Ativan n it's easing up. Ugh I hate this. I'm on Zoloft 50 mg jus wish it'd kick in already

06-30-2012, 01:53 AM
Oh! wow... I didn't realise the pain could get that bad. Poor you :-(

During my worst times of anxiety, I'd feel mild cramp-like pains, mostly on various parts of my arms / wrists + chest, sometimes in neck + shoulders.
Only once I felt the same in my ankles!

I can't vouch for those meds. I've never tried them.
In times of desperate need I've taken Diazepam which worked like a charm.

If taking meds works for you, then take the opportunity to realise that it REALLY IS just anxiety and REALLY ISN'T anything serious < VERY important fact!