View Full Version : Story about me and my ex

06-29-2012, 10:31 PM
My exboyfriend called me a ugly clingy and annoying. He calls everyone in my school annoying. He says he wants to kill everyone in the school- I told the teachers but they don't care we don't have a principal in the school- its a vocational school with only 10 students. We dated for 2 weeks. He was ok and nice called me beautiful then one day he got high and called me and then an hour later said he was sober and started breaking up with me by text saying I was clingy ugly and annoying. He has told the other students not to date me and talk to me. He has been nasty. It's all been outside of school that these things have been said so the teachers can't do anything about it. He has said I need a nose job when I just had deviated septum surgery. He has said I am a psycho to the students and they have reported to me(in school but I was not there I was sick that day). He called me an ugly Psycho just now. I do ignore him but in tired of him saying the same thing to the students and me. I feel like saying something like say something new about me or don't say anything at all.
I embarrassed i took three pictures of myself... I just dont want them to end up around school... I took pics of myself when I was with my ex because HE wanted them... Well he kept them and he's showing all his friends my girl parts and he says they threw up when he showed it them( he also threw up but i messaged him these pics when he was high)He says I need a weed whacker for my south of the border problem. My ? Is why would u show pics of ur ex if u didn't like the pic or secretly looked at it to gett off.

06-29-2012, 10:38 PM
Um this is an anxiety forum for grown ups with anxiety issues not childish bf/gf issues. 1. He's an ass people talk don't let em get to u 2. Never send any kind of photos like that to anyone u always run the risk of them being shown or posted online 3. There maybe other sites that can better help u.