View Full Version : Bump if you hate anxiety

06-29-2012, 09:59 PM
Two glasses of wine and I know I'll pay for it tomorrow but f anxiety and the day I had with it!!!

06-30-2012, 01:58 AM
Me last night...

In my kitchen before I went out:
1 x large vodka + lemonade
1 x large wine + lemonade
(feeling good at this point)

Taxi arrived (my girlfriend, lol)

In town I had 4 pints of cider + blackcurrent.

Lamb-shish kebab at the end of the night, lol

This morning? - bit shitty but I'll be ok in a few hours.

Hate anxiety? - yes, of course, BUT... it's taught me a few things actually. I've found some enlightenment through it.

06-30-2012, 02:06 AM
It's taught me what strength truly is. Taught me the importance of a healthy lifestyle. And it also taught me what is truly important in life.

Also I'm jealous. I cannot drink like that anymore. I start to panic when I drink. I guess because you lose control.

06-30-2012, 02:16 AM
At the start of my health-anxiety journey, getting drunk could go either way... either it would completely relax me or make things a whole lot worse (always a gamble that one)

Hangovers (the downer) would invariably cause me MASSIVE panic attacks.
Once, while mooching about in the kitchen the next morning... I began to panic & my heart beat so hard & fast that I literally thought it was about to fly out my rib cage and go running off up the road, lol
I had to drive to my parents (about 4 miles away) to seek comfort and it took a good 24 hours to recover from that bastard.

Ugghhhh... the memories.

My advice on drink with anxiety disorder:

DON'T... JUST DON'T, lol

Wait until you've got over the worst and then get back on it... :-)

06-30-2012, 02:21 AM
Yep. Exactly what I'm doing. In the last few weeks I have been giving up a lot of things, food and drink wise, that I've noticed trigger panic attacks. Sucks, and I hope it's not a form of avoidance, but think in the long run it'll be good to really embrace a 100% healthy lifestyle. I don't really miss anything so far except for coffee :( I only drank decaf anyway because i learned the hard way that caffeine is not my friend, but I've been scared of the trace amounts in decaf. I love it though. Just taste wise. The whole act of making it. Getting it. Etc. Sigh...

06-30-2012, 02:39 AM
Yeahhhhh I knowwwwwww hon, but it's only temporary. You'll have the choice to drink/eat what you like again sooner than you know it...

Part of the cause of my anxiety disorder was in fact health GUILT.
I'd been single for some 4 years and partying like crazy... drinking / late nights / eating crap and so on, but at the same time feeling guilty about it and sympathising with my body and the crap it was enduring.

This all came to a head (amongst other things) around December last year and then... BANG!

I had it coming really.

I've changed considerably.
Although I will endulge in the odd junk food I endevour to eat well for the most part.
Alcohol intake has reduced to about a quarter what it was.

06-30-2012, 07:06 AM
I hate anxiety!

After yesterday, I have also discovered a newfound ambivalence towards alcohol.

I went out with colleagues and drank moderately, 6 beers in 9 hours, with water and diet coke spacers, by the end of the night I thought I was coming down with the flu. I was shaking so badly, whilst in bed with both electric blankets cranked to max that I started to hyperventilate. This invariably led to panic, which I only managed to calm by sipping water, 2mg Valium and deep breathing exercises.

This has happened to me before after drinking, especially when I don't eat much.

The worst part is that at no part of the afternoon was I anywhere near 'drunk'. I may have gotten to mildly tipsy. I haven't really felt hung over today either - a bit on edge.

Considering doing a dry August...

06-30-2012, 07:18 AM
Drinking and caffeine is a HUGE no no on bad anxiety.

Im a pastry chef by trade, I LIVED on caffeine. Literally buckets of tea and coffee, black with loads of sugar lol and being a chef includes A LOT of after shift piss ups. I haven't had a drink in 2 years or caffeine for 1 and it's made an obvious difference, I miss it occasionally but I'm not risking it for a biscuit. :) cider is far too calorific anyway lol

06-30-2012, 09:50 AM
I used to drink often but last night was the first time in five months due to my anxiety. I changed my entire lifestyle but I had to just feel a bit normal anyway. I have anxiety wether or not I drink so I figured why not and two small glasses is really not a big deal. I'm ok this am and I was barely tipsy last night. Maybe I'll do that every five months.. Lol.. :-)

Hope everyone has a good day today!

07-05-2012, 05:51 PM
I hate anxiety!!!!!

07-05-2012, 08:09 PM
I no longer drink caffiene. If I slip up one day I notice it making my anxiety worse in the evenings

07-06-2012, 01:37 AM
I think we should all meet for a drink :-)

07-06-2012, 03:55 AM
I'm totally the same, 1 cup of tea/coffee and bye bye Amy lol

Dazza, can u imagine that!? Lol a table full of nervous wrecks with added anxiety alcohol. Now decaffeinated beverage I'm all for haha

07-06-2012, 08:40 AM
Agreed with Dazza, meet for a drink and Amy that would be funny to have all us anxiety sufferers at a table. :-)

07-06-2012, 09:31 AM
Haha question is where does everyone live I guess lol if we were to meet I mean, need a place :) haha