View Full Version : Heart palps or adrenaline?

06-29-2012, 09:36 PM
K so it's probably just another anxiety symptom but I'm still freaking out over my heart and/or adrenaline palps. Went to doc he said my heart sounds fine but I can't wrap my head around it. They just keep happening. Like when I'm just walking up the hallway or bending down to get something. Am I going to suffer for ever with this constant physical issue? I just want to not have these. I'm already fighting so hard with my dizziness daily I can't handle anything more

06-30-2012, 01:41 AM

I guess you already know that; although scary, heart palps are seldom because of anything serious and are very common, even for the most healthiest of people.

The heart is an extremely sensitive bit of equipment. If you were to touch it, it wobble about like jelly! (seriously)... so it's little wonder that during times of stress/anxiety (where excess adrenalin flows and bad, irrational thoughts tumble around your head) - the heart reacts in this way.

Also, the chest wall is usually alive with activity (both biological and electrical) in times of stress/anxiety. This often encroaches over to the heart... irritating it somewhat.

Some people have palps on a daily basis, others will get them just once in a while.
Palps can come and go, depending on circumstances... but they are most common in people between the age of 20 and 50 and tend to completely dissapear after 50 (i guess this is because you've slowed down/settled by this time and stress is minimal)

Some contributary factors are:

1/ excess energy (like too much sugar and/or caffeine) - cutting down on caffeine in particular will help somewhat.
2/ anxiety!
3/ stress
4/ depression

No doubt there are others.

I can relate with you regarding "bending down". I've had this a number a times.
You might also get them as you go from standing up to lying down (e.g. going to bed). The transition from one state to another (standing up > lying down) causes a change in demand on the heart.

I came to the conclusion that palps are very much linked to the mind. When you next experience one, try to record your thoughts JUST BEFORE they happened.
(Most often you'll find that you were worried about something... or generally in a worried state)

You'll most likely find they'll completely disappear in times of complete calm.

I've heard that coughing can stop them - but I haven't tried it yet.