View Full Version : Found a really good app for ipad/iphone for anxiety!!

06-29-2012, 08:20 PM
Hey everyone!

Just thought I would share something I found on my ipad that is actually REALLY helpful for my anxiety, especially when I get panic attacks or can't sleep. I always am downloading apps for relaxation and sleep aids and some of them are ok but this one is great. It's called 'brainwave 30 binaural programs'. It supposedly uses different frequencies that are similar to brain waves (honestly I have no idea how it works, but I don't think its just a placebo effect). Anyways it has all these different settings like deep relaxation, stress reduction, motivation boost etc and you pair whichever program you pick with a soothing noise like waves or rain. They all have different durations you are supposed to listen to them for. I was very skeptical but was desperate the other night because NOTHING would help me sleep. It honestly calmed me down so much (i used the 'deep sleep' program). Since then I have tried some of the other ones and it is honestly so helpful I just had to share it and see if anyone else used a program like this. I am trying to stop taking xanax so much and it has been difficult but I have used this 2 or 3 times this week when I have felt awful and it has calmed me down almost just as well as xanax. And I have tried a LOT of 'relaxation' programs and techniques , my boyfriend looked at my Ipad the other day and was confused why I had almost a whole page of 'relaxation and sleeping' apps haha.

I think it cost like 1.99 in the app store but I promise it is worth it, and I am in no way affiliated with selling it in case anyone was wondering. I usually post on here when I am really panicked but I really just hope this helps someone else too!

Also, Has anyone used a program like this or know a little more about the whole brain wave thing???


06-29-2012, 10:21 PM
I really like the alliance network. There's an anxiety app depression app and so on. Best of all it's free!

06-29-2012, 11:35 PM
Oh nice I will check it out thank you. Add to my app collection ! Haha

06-30-2012, 02:08 AM
Downloaded it. I can't wait to try it.
Been feeling very on edge all day (hungover) so I might even try the anxiety cycle and see how I go.

I like 'relax lite' by Sangaara (I think). Really helps me stop hyperventilating in only 15 minutes. And it's free. It can actually get me right through anxiety attacks after using it.

11-16-2012, 09:09 PM
Hey everyone!

Just thought I would share something I found on my ipad that is actually REALLY helpful for my anxiety, especially when I get panic attacks or can't sleep. I always am downloading apps for relaxation and sleep aids and some of them are ok but this one is great. It's called 'brainwave 30 binaural programs'. It supposedly uses different frequencies that are similar to brain waves (honestly I have no idea how it works, but I don't think its just a placebo effect). Anyways it has all these different settings like deep relaxation, stress reduction, motivation boost etc and you pair whichever program you pick with a soothing noise like waves or rain. They all have different durations you are supposed to listen to them for. I was very skeptical but was desperate the other night because NOTHING would help me sleep. It honestly calmed me down so much (i used the 'deep sleep' program). Since then I have tried some of the other ones and it is honestly so helpful I just had to share it and see if anyone else used a program like this. I am trying to stop taking xanax so much and it has been difficult but I have used this 2 or 3 times this week when I have felt awful and it has calmed me down almost just as well as xanax. And I have tried a LOT of 'relaxation' programs and techniques , my boyfriend looked at my Ipad the other day and was confused why I had almost a whole page of 'relaxation and sleeping' apps haha.

I think it cost like 1.99 in the app store but I promise it is worth it, and I am in no way affiliated with selling it in case anyone was wondering. I usually post on here when I am really panicked but I really just hope this helps someone else too!

Also, Has anyone used a program like this or know a little more about the whole brain wave thing???


Ya ive used it it doesnt work for me because i hear better in my right ear so it can make me more anxious but what it does to help is responds to the way your ears send messages to yoyur

maggie tia
11-18-2012, 02:11 PM
Hey everyone!

Just thought I would share something I found on my ipad that is actually REALLY helpful for my anxiety, especially when I get panic attacks or can't sleep. I always am downloading apps for relaxation and sleep aids and some of them are ok but this one is great. It's called 'brainwave 30 binaural programs'. It supposedly uses different frequencies that are similar to brain waves (honestly I have no idea how it works, but I don't think its just a placebo effect). Anyways it has all these different settings like deep relaxation, stress reduction, motivation boost etc and you pair whichever program you pick with a soothing noise like waves or rain. They all have different durations you are supposed to listen to them for. I was very skeptical but was desperate the other night because NOTHING would help me sleep. It honestly calmed me down so much (i used the 'deep sleep' program). Since then I have tried some of the other ones and it is honestly so helpful I just had to share it and see if anyone else used a program like this. I am trying to stop taking xanax so much and it has been difficult but I have used this 2 or 3 times this week when I have felt awful and it has calmed me down almost just as well as xanax. And I have tried a LOT of 'relaxation' programs and techniques , my boyfriend looked at my Ipad the other day and was confused why I had almost a whole page of 'relaxation and sleeping' apps haha.

I think it cost like 1.99 in the app store but I promise it is worth it, and I am in no way affiliated with selling it in case anyone was wondering. I usually post on here when I am really panicked but I really just hope this helps someone else too!

Also, Has anyone used a program like this or know a little more about the whole brain wave thing???


I also download heaps of apps like that.. I downloaded that one it's awesome iv fallen asleep to it the last 2 nights in a row:)

11-18-2012, 10:05 PM
I also download heaps of apps like that.. I downloaded that one it's awesome iv fallen asleep to it the last 2 nights in a row:)

That's awesome! I love that app, I have recently downloaded all of these great meditation apps too. And I usually can't stand the meditation ones where random people are telling you to imagine yourself on a beach blah blah blah lol. If you search 'solfeggio' in the iTunes Store you can find them. It's kinda hard to explain but it basically is a set of meditations centered around different frequencies and music which effect different issues and problems depending on the frequency, I have no idea how it works but I love it. Just look it up an read the reviews and I think a couple of his apps are free. Each of the apps have a couple different guided meditations in each one and they work every time I have never fallen asleep so easily !