View Full Version : Losing yourself

02-07-2007, 09:31 AM
Does anyone feel that since getting/having anxiety that theyre personality has changed?

Well before I was never bothered by pain (still not to honest) or blood (again still not) or needles. But I went to the doctors today and she told me to get a blood test just in case (Cos I seem to keep getting loadsa colds) so I was sitting there, the band was around my arm and she was getting my details when suddenly I couldnt breathe and I started to freak out. I ended up just leaving.

Before I would have probably went through with getting it fine and actualy looked! I used to like proving I was stronger and braver than others lol.

I've also noticed I've become more quiet and held back, I dont really speak my mind as much and I always think about consequences (this comes from a person who used to think whilst acting!) Im also more withdrawn, usually I would say whatever was on my mind (no matter how stupid) but now I wait till drawn into the conversation.

Some people may call this growing up and changing but I know that its not. I just wish I could get the old me back (well some aspects at least lol)

Im betting most people here feel the same way, that theyve lost a bit of themselves.

Im probably just having a down day but its all just becoming too much at the moment, I keep getting worries theres something more seriously wrong with me :unsure: Im becoming quite paranoid lol. I also think ahead of situations like 'I know Im going to feel sick and panicky then so just suck it up and get on with it' and I even get it whilst watching tv!! 'How come they dont get anxiety?' My only escape at the moment is reading lol.

V for Victor
02-07-2007, 10:02 AM
Anxiety/depression definately alters the way we think and act.

I don't know if it can really alter your personality, though. At least not permanently.

After I finally went on medication, my family said it was like having "the old me" back again. I think that depression and anxiety simply supress your real self.

02-08-2007, 02:02 AM
I kind of get sick of people saying they want the old me back. I am not that person now, I have been through a lot and lernt a lot most of which has little to do with the anxiety. Change is a natural process and one everyone goes through as they progress through life. I wouldn't want to be the "old me" but I would like to be healthy agian. I think I will fully recover without going backward too much. I certainly wouldnt want to go back to a time when I had no knowledgew of this condition as I have met so many interesting people in the time since I became ill, who also suffer with this.

Change is Life.

I am who I am.
