View Full Version : Is it ALL anxiety?? Desparate for help and Advice. Please help me.

06-29-2012, 04:51 PM
Hello, I am 27 years old and have been suffering from ?? since March 2011. In a nutshell, I have had a few anxiety attacks, but wheb the docs actually test there is something wrong with me, when they don't test, they blame it all on anxiety. Is it ALL anxiety or is there something WRONG with me. I hope someone can offer some insight, Here is my story, sorry its so long, but wanted to be detailed:

March 2011: I was at work and had severe upper chest pain, up neck, and shoulders. I had a pain under my left side (all around my breast) and couldn't get enough air, felt dizzy, lightheaded and went to a colleague to ask for help. I felt hot all over and had tingling all down my back and arm, and my left arm went numb. My head felt like it was going to explode. This all happened really fast, and I collapsed. At the hospital I had an EKG (ECG), blood tests, and a chest Xray which I was told was to check for a blood clot on the lung. All the tests came back clear and the Doctor said basically they couldn't find anything wrong, didn't know what it was and sent me home.

May 2010: At home, I had the same experience with minor differences, again unable to get enough air and severe chest pain. I didn't collapse but felt close to it and called an ambulance. Hospital did EKG, blood tests, X ray again, and found nothing. Doctor told me I was suffering fro Muscular pain and that it was 'probably' an anxiety attack. I was told to take ibuprofen regularly to control the pain.

For next 3 months, ibuprofen worked for muscular pain, and other than the feelings of Breathlessness, tight chest (under left side) numbness, tingling, headaches and minor muscular pain (not all at the same time, spread out) was fine. Then the stomach pain started. I ignored it for a few weeks then went to the doctor..

Late August 2011: Told doctor about all symptoms, but mainly focused on stomach pain. She told me the Ibuprofen was damaging the lining of my stomach and to stop taking it. Gave me Lansoprazole for 30 days. Took tablets for 1 week and was very sick off them so stopped.

Early September 2011: Went Back to doctors (different one) as Muscular pain was very bad again, and stomach pain had worsened. Other symptoms (lightheadedness, breathlessness, etc..) had worsened and was feeling very ill every day. I spoke to doctor for an hour and he basically told me it was all stress and anxiety and that there was nothing wrong. Prescribed me Citalopram. I didn't take them as I was unhappy with diagnosis. I could not believe all this pain was in my head.

Early October 2012: Saw another doctor. Doc W. He sent me for Blood tests and stool and urine samples. Was diagnosed with and treated for Helicobacter Pylori. He said I should have been tested earlier and that my pain was real and NOT all Anxiety related. The stomach pain went, and muscular pain eased.

Was absolutely fine for a while (2 months or so), then all the symptoms (not stomach pain) started creeping back, day after day. Additionally was getting more and more tired all the time. Hot flushes, immense muscular pain, loss of balance and concentration, tinnitus, as above etc. I also had a few minor anxiety attacks in between.

February 2012: Went back to see Doc W. He sent me for blood tests again. Was diagnosed with Glandular fever and low iron (not anemic). Told to take iron tablets and try to take it easy. He told me the symptoms could last for months and that I had probably had it for a while already.
Felt AWFUL for another month or so then gradually started to feel better again, almost normal.

May 2012: Gradually started feeling ill all the time again (as above), minor anxiety attacks in between. I put this down to wedding planning (wedding was 10th June) and decided to ride it out until after wedding. (I had a major anxiety attack on wedding day, but I put that down to it being almost over and all the stress catching up on me) No anxiety attacks since wedding day

June 26th 2012: Tuesday I went to see Doc H as I figured wedding was done with and was feeling worse and worse with the PAIN ALL the time. The Muscular pain has spread from being just in chest to shoulders, back, neck, all over! He basically said that it was STILL glandular fever and that recent anxiety attacks were wedding related. He said it was not unusual to feel better then get worse again with glandular fever. I BEGGED for tablets for Muscular pain, he gave me Meloxicam.

June 28th 2012: Thursday I was at work with muscular pain. The Meloxicam had eased it a little, but 2 days worth hasn't got rid. I was numb and tingling down left arm, all morning and was starting to feel rotten. I phoned Docs for appointment and was told to go straight away. As I got off phone t doc, I felt an Anxiety attack coming on. I had quite a horrible anxiety attack, than a colleague drove me to docs. At docs, saw a new doctor. He told me that it was DEFINATELY the glandular fever causing musculas pain, loss of appetite and tiredness, but that he thought the rest (lightheadedness, dizziness, unable to breathe) were all Anxiety. We talked for a while and he offered me Citrolapram... I declined as I am NOT depressed, I have a happy home and work life, no stresses and other than my HEALTH am perfectly happy. It it ONLY the pain which is the problem. He also offered me Diazepam for a few days to 'get over' anxiety attack, I declined. He told me that other than the glandular fever there was nothing wrong and bullied me into going to counselling. (That will take a few weeks)

So TODAY 29th June I have had a crushing pain in chest all day, numbness and tingling in between, dizzy, losing balance. I feel I can't get enough air. On top of that are the muscular pain, headaches, tiredness, no appetite caused by the 'Glandular Fever' and I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! This constant living in pain is starting to impact my life. My husband said in jest yesterday 'tell me when you feel well, it'll be quicker than telling me you're ill all the time.' I have been unable to put my 2 year old little girl to bed and read her stories for nearly a week as I am just a mess.

Please.... HELP!

Thank You.

06-30-2012, 03:58 AM

in short I have a history like yours....I searched for answers as to why I was so sick (symptoms like yours) lots of doctors and $$$$ later a gp suggested diazepam which I did just to humour him...OMG i was so much better, really.....I had a name for all my odd symptoms ANXIETY.....but about a year later I was told I had also had glandular fever(they did not originally test for)...this I think was the beginning of my illness and as I did not rest or even know I had it , it caused a lot of my anxiety issues.......
get onto the therapy asap......so that it does not get worse, all the best :)

07-03-2012, 04:14 PM

I have very similar symptoms and physical sensations. Give the medicine a try, it works for me. I use the medicine and I talk to my psychologist. It's worthy a shot

Good luck

07-16-2012, 04:11 AM
I had a lot of the symptoms you described. Especially the tingling, lethargy, lightheadedness and the odd panic attack. It was awful! Was constantly panicking about what was wrong with me (my big fear was ms). My gp started me on citalopram and it was a godsend!!! I feel sooooo much better. Give them a try, they take around a month to get properly into your system but once they do you will notice a huge difference! Citalopram are not just for depression (I am not depressed), they are also for anxiety (which I do have!). Hope you feel better! x