View Full Version : Bad day!!! :(

06-29-2012, 02:27 PM
Having a really bad day today!!!! Was stressed this morning running around with lots to do and my left hand has felt tingly and weird all day!!! Trying hard to ignore it but i can feel myself freaking out, panicking I have MS (my big fear) or some other awful disease!!! I am terrified!!!!!

06-29-2012, 03:42 PM
Hi there, sorry to hear your having such a bad day. Anxiety can do some strange things to our bodies and can be scary but try not so worry about the physical sensations as you will get into a panic cycle. I had the lump in throat sensation a while ago and it freaked me out, but now that i know that its just a sensation and we have to remind ourselves of that. The sensation wont harm you and is all part of the anxiety. Have you read 'self help for your nerves' by dr claire weekes? She explains sensation really well and made me so much more calm. Hope youre ok and stay strong :))

David Zambrano
06-30-2012, 06:32 PM
I like what frankiefeet said. I would add to remind yourself that if you have issues with anxiety then you may tend to blow things out of proportion, especially things related to your health. I know from experience, because I am like this too. If you can step outside of the worry you'll be able to see that it could be a million different things that are making your hand tingle, but right away people like me tend to think were dying. If you can see that you will see that what is really hurting you is the anxiety, not the tingling. Take 5 belly breaths and let yourself relax, it will start to become more clear.